It would be wrong to say Monday’s weather in Houston was pleasant, but after a weak surface front moved through the region Monday evening was certainly “July nice.” The change was subtle, but dewpoints dropped a few degrees, with temperatures following suit. The result was just about as nice an evening in July as you’re ever likely to experience. It won’t last—the boundary is already washing away—but it’s also reminder that fall is only a couple of months away.

The passage of the front on Monday also spurred scattered, but in some cases fairly strong storms along and north of Interstate 10. Today the focus should shift closer to the coast, with some isolated to scattered showers popping up during the afternoon and early evening hours along with the sea breeze. (They will not be as intense as Monday). Otherwise, we should see mostly sunny skies today, with highs in the lower 90s, and winds shifting to come from the southeast.
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
As we get deeper into the week rain chances may improve a little bit on Wednesday and Thursday. Why? Because atmospheric moisture levels should rise a little, and our region won’t be directly under the influence of high pressure. I don’t think overall rainfall accumulations will be high, but I think you’ll have about a 40 percent chance or so of seeing a shower on each of these days, particularly during the afternoon and evening hours. Highs will be in the low 90s, with a mix of sunshine and clouds.

Saturday and Sunday
At this point, although the forecast remains subject to change, the weekend looks reasonably nice for Houston. I think we’ll see partly to mostly sunny skies, with highs generally in the low 90s. With the humidity, of course, it will still feel plenty hot. Both days will be subject to the potential for some passing showers and thunderstorms, but I’d peg overall chances at about 30 percent each day. So yeah, we’re cautiously optimistic about outdoor activities this weekend.
Next week
Rain chances may begin to increase by Monday or Tuesday of next week as our atmosphere turns a little more unsettled, but I don’t think we’re looking at anything too crazy in terms of accumulations. Matt will have more for you on the tropics in a post later today, and the news on that front remains positive.
Happy “7-1-3 Day” Everyone. celebrate our first area code. Must be a slow news day for the TV news.
“8-3-2 Day” will be August 32nd. 😉
When is “2-8-1 Day”?
February 81st, of course.
I’m looking forward to the fall months and the fact that each daylight period is getting shorter. Shorter amounts of sunlight also means less heating.
Send all of this heat to next February as prepayment against the next freeze. Though, now that the governor has signed that piece of paper, I guess all is well in the kingdom.
Last night was very cool outside. Summer just getting started and people already talking about fall. Nobody likes cold weather, let’s be clear, the February freeze was much worse than having summer year round. There are way more people outdoors in 95 degree weather as compared to 45 or even 55 degree weather.
Not me, I’ll take 45 or 55 over 95 anytime. I can’t stay out more than 10 minutes when its that hot. Safe to say if it weren’t for air conditioning, I’d probably spend my summers in the mountains.
Speak for yourself. If I had the ability to move somewhere that never got hotter than about 50F, I’d do it instantly.
I completely agree!! Went for a nice walk in the low 90s weather this afternoon and it felt really nice!! Then we got sum thunderstorms after that!! This summer ya been spectacular!! And I much prefer summer over our short but harsh winters!!
I agree, Steve.
When we were without power in February, I did a lot of walking during the day. Mid 20’s with no wind and abundant sunshine is pretty comfortable with a jacket on.
I love you guys, but when I read “not as intense as Monday,” I’m not expecting to drive through a blinding downpour, then get home to find the power out and spend 20 minutes searching for where my trash bin blew off to. Just saying.
It’s 5:10 and the storms on the north side are as bad or worse than yesterday. WTH’s up with that?