If anyone wanted a repeat of last summer in Houston, you will have to look elsewhere

In brief: We’ll have one more pretty quiet day before rain chances begin to increase. This will lead to cooler weather and healthy, daily chances of rain beginning this weekend and continuing into much of next week. It won’t feel terrible for midsummer.

We managed 94 degrees at Bush yesterday and 93 at Hobby as fairly typical mid-summer weather continues. We’ve got one more day of it, and then the rumblings of change begin.


Copy and paste yesterday’s weather for the most part.


Look for the day to start as a repeat of Monday and Tuesday, but by afternoon, shower chances will begin to increase. Scattered showers and storms are likely. Call it about a 30 to 40 percent chance or so. I might say that the highest chances will be south and east of Houston tomorrow. We’ll check in on this obviously tomorrow morning. Highs should peak in the low to mid 90s with lows in the 70s.


We will have an additional 40 to 50 percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms. Prior to that, expect a mix of sun and clouds with highs in the low-90s. Lows will be in the mid-70s.


Here’s where I’d begin to expect scattered to more numerous showers and thunderstorms and some locally heavy rain. Temperatures may struggle to get to 90 on Friday, depending on the exact coverage and timing of storms.

The weather pattern about 20,000 feet up in the atmosphere between Saturday and Wednesday shows a pretty stout “dip” in the jet stream, or trough (in blue) carving out over the Plains and Texas, cooling temps and boosting rain chances. (Tropical Tidbits)


Both Saturday and Sunday should see scattered showers and thunderstorms each afternoon. All of this will be caused by a cool front that should stall out, or really kind of wash out in our area. The location of the stall will help determine the exact focal point of storminess into the weekend, but most areas should see at least some rain between Thursday and Sunday and some areas will see several rounds of it as well.

Next week

It’s too soon to get super specific, but we will be seeing numerous shower and storm chances next week, at least through midweek before perhaps easing up some toward next weekend. We will probably have multiple days with highs failing to reach 90 degrees due to cloud cover and rain. Despite this, there will be little relief from the humidity which should remain high. So nighttime lows will continue to remain in the 70s. But the periodic rain and storms and the overall cooler air mass should help lead daytimes to feel not terrible for late July.

Total rainfall through next Tuesday morning should average 1 to 2 inches in much of the area. Lesser totals are possible west and north of about Katy. (Pivotal Weather)

We may also get a round or two of Saharan dust next week, and any rain can aid in minimizing those air quality impacts a bit too.

33 thoughts on “If anyone wanted a repeat of last summer in Houston, you will have to look elsewhere”

  1. Do not like that persistent upper air pattern. If anything tropical swings into the Gulf from the Caribbean, that upper air pattern points the system right along a path similar to Beryl.

  2. I hate rain but as long as it’s nothing severe, I guess it’s a fair trade off for a cool down.

    Whatever happened to that system that formed behind Beryl? Did it just dissipate before making landfall anywhere?

  3. Any chance you could give some insight on the mosquito infestation that hit us yesterday? Thousands of them clinging to every window of my house.

    • Time for Egg laid to hatch is ~48hrs.

      First wave of hatchings probably went (relatively 😅) unnoticed.

      Second wave of hatchings is exponential to the first.

      Standing water is def not your friend….

    • Heavy rain leads to standing water. If you have it, consider mosquito dunks. An outdoor or portable fan also helps, as they are very weak winged.

  4. Just think that most of us couldn’t get a drop of rain last year at this time. It has always fascinated me how the weather patterns one year can be the extreme opposite the next year. Me personally, I prefer being stuck in a rainy pattern during the summer over no rain and 100+ degrees everyday like last summer.

    • Apart from Beryl + Derecho, this has been a very mild summer thus far – one that some of us native Houstonians would actually call “nice.” Kind of similar to summer 2021 if anyone can remember that one.

      • I definitely remember that one. I have been longing for another summer like 2021 again minus Hurricane Nicholas. The summer of 2014, 2007, and 2006 were also fairly mild for our standards as well

  5. Will the rainy weather include any storms or wind, or is it too early to tell? I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that the last couple of years my power goes out every time there is even a moderate wind. Seriously hope we don’t have more storms and more outages.

  6. Other than a derecho and a hurricane and the resulting power outages this summer hasn’t been all that bad.

  7. Can you please tell you about any expected severity of these storms? Is there any anticipation that they would be like the heat-related solstice storm 21JUN2023 with those high winds?

    We’ve lost parts of our roof again with Beryl; trying to get stabilized.

    • Nothing right now points to them being especially severe. But you can never rule an isolated one out this time of year, so I don’t want to write it off entirely. My 5 YO and I look at radar every night around the country (his doing, not mine!) and I’m always struck by how random the severe warnings can be in the South this time of year. No real rhyme or reason to it…some days they just happen.

  8. Hour 219 with no power. I’ve stopped flipping switches on, so there’s that. Still looking for that sweet meteor of death before November.

    • It’s awful to hear that. Wish it were not so.

      (My “like” is only to say I hear you.)

  9. Loving the forecast of cloudy skies and increased rain chances since it keeps a lid on the daily high.

    Any high that starts with an “8” at this time of year is truly welcome.

  10. So, we need a twenty day period with no rain to cut, rake and bale hay. Any idea if that’ll happen before September? We haven’t been able to even get the first cutting as our land is flat and can’t dry out between rains.

  11. umm Summer isn’t over. Your title had me knocking on wood, crossing my fingers, throwing salt over my shoulder etc. Please don’t jinx us. I can see you are saying no to a repeat of last July but we have plenty of months left for 100+ weather. I think I watch too much baseball. 🙂

    • Then a La Niña winter, and its deep freezes. I hope there’s not a February 2021 repeat.

    • Compared to last year in Texas maybe. Many other parts of the country have had some wild heat records broken this year.

  12. How common is it to have dips in the jet stream like this at this point in the summer? Sort of a spring-ish set up. Is it La Nina related?

    • Not sure there’s a specific bigger driver behind it, but yes, it’s become rarer in recent years it seems.

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