It will feel more like late spring than mid-winter for a few more days in Houston

In brief: Houston’s above-normal temperatures will continue through the weekend, as we feel like late spring outside. A weak front approaches the area on Sunday, but significantly cooler weather will not arrive until some time next week.

Temperatures this morning are widely variable across Texas. (Weather Bell)


We’re seeing additional areas of patchy fog this morning, due to warm air moving over coastal waters, and this pattern is likely to continue through at least Saturday morning. Once the fog dissipates, we’ll experience mostly sunny skies and another warm day, with high temperatures in the low 80s. If you’re wondering whether this is normal for early February, no it is not. These high temperatures are characteristic of late April, and our overnight lows of early May. Winds will generally be light today, from the south at 5 to 10 mph. Lows tonight will only drop into the mid-60s for most locations.


Good news: If you liked Thursday’s weather, Friday will be a carbon copy.

High temperatures on Saturday will rise into the mid-80s. (Weather Bell)


The first half of the weekend will be quite warm, with high temperatures likely pushing into the mid-80s for areas away from the coast. We will see a mixture of sunshine and clouds, and lows only dropping into the upper 60s. If you have outdoor plans on Saturday there are few concerns aside from the warmer-than-normal conditions.


A fairly weak front will approach the Houston area and then stall out on Sunday. Precisely what this means for our weather is not certain, but I think we’ll probably just see a few degrees knocked off of high temperatures. I’m thinking highs in the upper 70s for most of Houston, with partly sunny skies. Given the proximity of the front, we cannot entirely rule out a few sprinkles, but I think we’ll be mostly rain free. Sunday night may be a few degrees cooler.

Next week

We’re probably going to start off next week in the 70s, and we’ll likely see daily rain chances on the order of 30 to 40 percent as the atmosphere becomes a bit more turbulent due to some upper-level disturbances. Eventually this is likely to bring in some cooler and more seasonable air, but whether that happens on Tuesday or Wednesday, or a bit later in the week is yet to be determined. We shall see.

23 thoughts on “It will feel more like late spring than mid-winter for a few more days in Houston”

  1. I am no longer convinced it will get cooler next week since they keep pushing it back further and further and don’t even fully know when the front is supposed to arrive. This is going to be the warmest February on record by far I can already feel it.

    • Well, they just announced that January (again) shattered records for warmest ever on record world-wide. So warmest February seems par for the course.

      • If you thought the summer of 2023 was bad you seen nothing yet. Juts wait until the 2030 and 2040s. The summer of 2023 will seem like a mild one compared to what’s coming in this rapidly warming hellscape we live on now.

        • I predict that by 2040 Houston will have significantly lower temperatures… only because the sea levels will rise so much that the majority of downtown will be completely underwater if we don’t start with big changes immediately.

        • JJW, if you want to see ‘bad’, open a book and look at the conditions that were prevalent during the end Permian. THAT was a hellscape.

          You can gore-fest yourself up all you want.

  2. I fear our climate especially in the summer will resemble more Austin or San Angelo than Orlando.

    • I’m not a fan of Florida, in any sense of the word, but at least Orlando has daily sea breeze showers during the summer, or at least a decent chance of. Part of being on a peninsula, in part, maybe. So in the middle of two sea breezes actually.

      • I like the colours of Florida, the entire state seems to be one big flower garden and the beaches are perfect – all unlike this area of Texas which is none of that and is more one big refinery with stench and houses.

  3. I’m with summer hater. This “cool”ness coming next week is all just a disguise by Eric to make sure we dont riot. I shouldn’t have to be running my AC in FREAKIN FEBRUARY.

  4. Time to move about 200 miles (or more) to the north. And by the time I can actually get up there, it will be just as hot…

  5. Washed the SUV, gave alfalfa flakes to the horses, and sprinkled some diatomaceous on leaf-cutting ant mounds surrounding a pine in the outer pasture. Lunch on the back patio soon.
    The best part? Wearing shorts, t-shirt, flip flops, and A&M cap – Whoop!

    • You’re going to need something stronger than that. Those leafcutters are amazing creatures. They built an enormous mound towards the front of our property, and we discovered they had created an underground metropolis. That monster mound was only the visible part.

      They had burrowed all the way to the road and much further.

      Good luck.

  6. What artic front is everyone talking about? Looking at the forecast the front coming late this weekend is bringing normal temperatures.

  7. Here is where I’d normally complain, but I’m just smiling ear to ear instead. I’m thrilled to finally be moving before the month is out. I will not miss this horrid climate one bit. The nightmare is finally over. House is packed and family is counting down the days until this swamp is in our rear view. Heat, humidity, hurricanes, mosquitoes… adios! What a mistake this was. Five years of my life I’ll never get back.

  8. I read that DOGE is threatening NOAA (National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center) with large budget and staff cuts.

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