Today I’m happy to announce that Matt Lanza will be joining me here at Space City Weather. Matt is an experienced meteorologist with a Houston-based energy company.
You may remember that Matt helped me out at the Chronicle, and he shares my no-nonsense approach to writing about weather. Don’t get me wrong, we both love the weather and are fascinated by it. But we’re not going to hype things up when it’s not warranted.
Anyway, Matt’s great. He’s going to cover things on Fridays, and he’ll help me out during significant weather events so I’m not trying to pull 20 hour shifts and the like. I’m really looking forward to the help.
A few words about the site: At this point we’re basically doing this for free, so the best support you can give is to to continuing liking and sharing us on Facebook and Twitter, and share the link to Space City Weather with your friends. You can also subscribe by e-mail in the box on the right side of this post.
In the less than one month since I started this the site has really grown nicely. Eventually we’d like to find a sponsor, but for now we’re focused on making sure we get the basics right, providing the forecast information you need to know about the greater Houston area. There are a ton of apps to get five-, seven- and 10-day weather forecasts. But those come from machines. My goal here is to provide a reality check, and provide more insight than can be gleaned from a single model forecast.
As always, thanks for your support.
Welcome Matt! The Space City Weather blog is my go-to for any and all weather around Houston!! Wouldn’t go a day without knowing what my weather will be for the day! Plus, I LOVE the NO nonsense weather without the hype!! I like it “real”!
Hey Eric, just an fyi…. have you thought about setting up a go fund me page where we can possibly donate to help you keep the site up? I would be willing to bet a lot of folks would be happy to send $5/10 bucks!
I thought of the same thing while reading this. There’s a company called Patreon that offers this exact service. It’s located at Patreon.com. I suspect there are quite a few people who would sign up to support spacecityweather.com
Thanks Susan and Billy, I’ll look into Patreon.
I agree — this site is a part of my daily routine, and as such, I’d be happy to send in some monetary support to show my thanks.
i agree with your other readers! i’ll donate for the fantastic weather coverage you provide!
This is great news. I found this blog through your author’s bio over at Ars, and I’ve already bookmarked it. It was sad seeing you leave the Chronicle because I thought I’d lost a good weather resource, but I’m glad to have found you here. And now I learn that Matt has joined the site as well. This can only lead to good things.
Keep up the good work guys!
Great News!! Welcome Matt!
I would be happy to contribute to this site. I think it’s a hugely important resource for all of those who live in SE Texas. Thank you!
And welcome to Matt!
Welcome Matt!!
I’ve only recently joined the site but really enjoy it. I read the Chronicle and missed Eric’s input.
Loving this site! I’ve been a long follower from Katy (no we didn’t evacuate).
One site I go to has simply setup a PayPal button to donate to. It seems to work for them.
There are a ton of apps to get five-, seven- and 10-day weather forecasts.
Hey speaking of, do you think you could start continually spamming my phone with BS messages like TWC and Home Depot apps do?
Enjoy this site far more than any other resource for local weather. Go fund me isn’t a business model for sustainability. I think sponsorship is the main way to go once you have the right numbers to attract a sponsor. You could also consider charging a modest amount for deeper access as weather bell does. I can see this site being an important one during extreme weather events.
Welcome, Matt!
I’ve made sure to tell everyone I know in the area about the new site. I’d likely support a Patreon campaign, but am hoping you can get a sponsor for many of the reasons noted by Jeff pozmantier above.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! Hope you’ll find my insights and contributions useful and informative.
Matt is a metoroligest that I’ve come to rely and trust in weather assessments and has been extremely accurate and does this in a sincere and no frills manner !!
Look forward to adding your insightful weather determinations to several groups in our area and for our VFD on weather that requires our attention for being informed. Congrats Matt !
Welcome Matt! SO glad you came over, too!
i support