In brief: Although high pressure is largely dominant, Houston will have a couple of chances to see some spotty thunderstorms today and tonight. Mostly, however, we’re going to see continued hot and sunny weather, with temperatures in the mid- to upper-90s and plenty of humidity. That forecast holds for as far as the eye can see.
Monthly Q&A
Be sure and check back on the site later this morning, as we’ll be releasing our monthly Q&A at 10 am CT, in which Matt and I answer questions submitted by readers. There are some fun ones this month!
Skies will be mostly sunny today, with highs in the mid- to upper-90s. Generally, the further inland you live, the warmer the temperatures will be. Winds will remain light, from the south at just 5 mph. The real intrigue today and tonight is rain chances. They’re not high, but we could see some briefly lived thunderstorms.

The first opportunity comes during the mid-afternoon hours, as daytime heating combines with the seabreeze to potentially spark some showers and thunderstorms in central Houston, or perhaps closer to the coast. These should be fairly isolated and short-lived. There is also a chance of some storms along a dying front moving south into the region this evening or tonight. Frankly, our model guidance is all over the place, so we could see anything from nothing (probably most likely) to a fairly broad line of storms moving southward late tonight or early Thursday (far less likely). In any case, something to be aware of.
Expect continued hot and muggy weather. We could see some additional, isolated showers and thunderstorms due to daytime heating. Overall rain chances are probably only about 10 or 20 percent, however.

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Expect more hot weather, with highs in the mid- to upper-90s for the area and plenty of humidity. We’ll continue to see low, but not non-existent rain chances through the weekend as daytime heating sparks seabreeze showers. These probably will be a bit more likely for areas along and south of Interstate 10. But for the most part, it’s just going to be sunshine and heat. We may also see some haze, as a plume of Saharan dust pushes into the area over the weekend.
Next week
To be honest, next week doesn’t look much different from this week, weather-wise. We’ll continue to be very hot, but not extremely so for Houston in the summertime.

so is there going to be rain or not?
Eric/Matt – any idea on when real rain chances will return to the Houston area?
Thank you for daily updates!
Clouds and rain later in the evening and night is better. Clear (or mostly sunny) skies during the day means better solar system performance….albeit, clear skies results in higher temperatures resulting in more AC power usage!
Is it possible for SCW to include discussion about solar & irradiance forecast (for Houston area) given the information such as cloud, temperature and other relevant conditions?
Transplants are about to feel the test of the heat for a while – hopefully they take the hint and move out.
My mom says she can remember back 10 or 20 years ago that Houston would normally get thunderstorms every day in the summer. Today it seems like long periods of no rain in the summer is the new normal. Has the weather pattern changed in the past 10 years? Or is it is just a lot drier where we live now (near Addicks Reservoir) than it is over downtown?
Definitely remember daily showers growing up in Clear Lake as a kid, but they were hit-and-miss for sure.
I grew up in Sugarland and feel like this years summer is pretty typical of what I experienced in the 80s, where we might go a couple weeks with little to no rain, then a couple weeks with isolated storms popping up each day. However the 2 prior summers definitely seemed drier than I recall.