Excellent site news!

As most of you know this site has experienced some server stability issues during the last couple of months. That’s due primarily to my poor choice of a hosting service, and general lack of webmastering abilities. It’s definitely not acceptable, especially with the spring storm season on the horizon, and hurricane season coming along in just a few months.

Fortunately an old friend has stepped in to help, Jeff Balke of Two Roads Media. I’ve known Jeff for 15 years now. We met way back when the Houston Rockets were in the midst of their second campaign to secure funding for a new arena, I was covering the story, and Jeff had founded Save Our Rockets. Well, the Rockets got their arena, but we’re still waiting on that third championship, Jeff!

In any case Jeff helped me find a much better hosting service and we’ve moved the entire site over there. From here on out there should be no server stability issues, and he’s agreed to ensure that’s the case. Seeing that he’s also a weather nerd he may make contributions to this site from time to time, especially during hurricane season.

12 thoughts on “Excellent site news!”

      • Thanks for the update, Eric. With the El Nino / La Nino weather possibilities, it will be good to hear your thoughts as the season progresses. Cheers.

  1. Appreciate the extra effort. Always trying to stay ahead of Texas weather. Can be tricky. Thanks

  2. Eric, et.al.,
    As far as I’m concerned the more folks that join you with NO HYPE weather information, the better off I’M gonna be NOT joining (again, for a 3rd time) a gazillion others on evacuation routes BECAUSE of local HYPED UP TV weather reports…what I want is REAL data allowing ME to make decisions on MY response…thanks to you and your growing team for providing real data allowing reasonable decisions to be made…

  3. Glad to hear about the upgrades. The work you do is much appreciated and is always well done. I love the “cut to the chase” forecasts with no hype and unnecessary drama.

  4. I had not noticed the website problems since I use the RSS feed to see what you are forecasting. Keep up the good work. The Chronicle weather is not the same without you.

  5. Thank you for updating your site. I love your easy to follow weather updates. Let’s go Rockets!

  6. Great news. I love your emails and rely anthem for the most accurate weather info. Just wondered if you would be comfortable sharing your new hosting service. I am n the process of choosing one myself. I know many people like WP Engine – they’re a little pricey. Thanks

  7. Thanks, Eric, we do rely on you and your expertise. We just got home from a trip to Spain and Portugal and were able to get the latest on the storm issues from the hotels internet services in both countries. Arrived home to find part of our fountain black and the electrical part fried. Knowing what happened here helped us figure out that lightening played a large part.
    Thanks for the update on the server.

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