A splendid Memorial Day Weekend awaits the greater Houston area

Good morning. If you have outdoor plans this weekend that involve a beach, pool, or sunbathing, you’re in luck. We’re going to see partly to mostly sunny skies, reasonably dry air, and highs right around 90 degrees throughout the weekend. The next few days will also see uncharacteristically low dewpoints of around 60 degrees during the daytime, so Houston won’t feel quite as humid as normal. Enjoy this while it lasts.


Today will be sunny and warm, with high temperatures in the upper 80s to 90 degrees. Winds will be light, out of the northeast, at 5 to 10 mph. There is perhaps a 5 percent chance of rain showers along the coast. Lows tonight will drop to around 70 degrees.

Dewpoints on Friday afternoon should be almost pleasant for the Houston region. (Weather Bell)


Let’s hope you liked Thursday, because Friday is the same—only rain chances are 0 percent instead of 5 percent. Dewpoints look to be at their lowest today, perhaps in the upper 50s during the afternoon hours.


Skies will be partly to mostly sunny, with highs around 90 degrees. Lows will drop to around 70 degrees.


Should be more of the same.


As high pressure begins to weaken its grip on the area, the overall flow will turn more southerly and Houston’s atmosphere will start to moisten. This may return more clouds to the area, humidity levels will start to rise, and there should be perhaps a 20 percent chance of showers during the afternoon.

Yeah, so, it’s a pretty easy forecast to write. (Weather Bell)

Next week

Most of next week probably will see highs of around 90 degrees, partly sunny skies, and a modest chance of afternoon showers. Oh, and humidity is coming back as dewpoints rise. Summer is knocking on the door, y’all. Matt will have you covered tomorrow, so let me wish you a safe and happy and fun Memorial Day Weekend.

Yes, it’s going to be warm this week, but fortunately not super muggy outside

Good morning. A complex of showers and thunderstorms to the west of Houston associated with a large convective system appears to be fading this morning, and I don’t think it will impinge too much on our region today. That’s not to say rain chances will be zero. Overall, however, we should continue to see warm, mostly sunny and not-too muggy weather for the next several days.

Storms west of Houston probably will not progress too much further into our region today. (Radar Scope)


Today will bring partly sunny skies, with highs around 90 degrees, and light northeasterly winds. This morning areas to the west of Houston, including Katy and Cypress, will see a chance of thunderstorms and briefly strong winds due to the storm complex over central Texas. These storms should wind down this morning. Later this afternoon, with daytime heating, I expect some additional shower and thunderstorm development through the early evening hours, although this should be fairly scattered across Houston. Lows will drop to around 70 degrees.


Skies should be mostly sunny on Thursday, with high temperatures again bouncing around 90 degrees. With daytime heating there will be about a 10 percent chance of isolated showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon hours.


Look for mostly sunny skies and highs around 90 degrees.

There will not, uhh, be much change in our weather over the next week. (Weather Bell)

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday and Sunday, at this point, look like carbon copies of one another. With high pressure in place we can expect a pair of partly to mostly sunny days with high temperatures around 90 degrees, and overnight lows around 70 degrees, plus or minus depending on how far inland you are. With dewpoints in the 60s, the air will feel less sticky than it normally does during the summer, so that will be nice.

Memorial Day should bring more of the same, albeit with a few more clouds and a chance of isolated showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon with daytime heating.

Next week

As the onshore flow reestablishes itself, we’ll see increasing humidity, but daytime temperatures should remain in the upper 80s to 90 degree range. A moistening atmosphere will make for somewhat better rain chances, so for now I’ll ballpark in a daily 30 percent chance during the afternoon hours.

Houston weather looks—dare I say it?—pretty nice for late May

Houston’s mostly sunny, and near-summer-like weather will continue for awhile. Rain chances will be on the low side through the weekend, and we’re going to see a nice fetch of somewhat drier air that will keep high humidity at bay. With summer coming, you know that won’t last, and in late May we’ll take what we can get.


Skies will be mostly sunny today, with high temperatures in the upper 80s to 90 degrees. Winds will be light, from the northwest, at about 5 mph. Overnight low temperatures will drop to around 70 degrees in Houston, and perhaps a few degrees lower for inland areas.

The amount of “precipitable water,” or moisture in the atmosphere, will be a bit higher than normal on Wednesday, and this will support isolated to scattered showers. (Weather Bell)


This will be another mostly sunny day, with highs in the upper 80s. One difference from Tuesday is that a weak disturbance may produce some light afternoon showers. I’d say chances are about 30 percent for areas along and south of Interstate 10, with lesser chances further inland. Rain chances should end by the early evening hours. Lows on Wednesday night will again drop to around 70 degrees in Houston.

Thursday and Friday

These will be a pair of mostly sunny days with highs generally in the upper 80s. One positive thing about these days is that the overall flow will generally be offshore, so the humidity will be a touch lower than normal. Don’t expect dry air, but it won’t be particularly sultry either.

Dewpoints in the low 60s in late May? I’ll take it. (Weather Bell)

Memorial Day Weekend

Generally, this pattern of mostly sunny weather, slightly drier air, and highs in the upper 80s to 90 degrees should hold through most of the weekend. There’s perhaps a 10 or 20 percent chance of some showers by Monday as moisture levels start to rise. But overall this looks to be a fine holiday weekend for beach and water activities.

Next week

Temperatures look to remain more or less the same for most of next week, but we’re going to see increasing humidity levels, and along with that some clouds and at least some scattershot rain chances. It’s too early to say much else with any precision.

Are you ready for some sunshine, Houston? Because the Sun is coming out to play this week

Sunday’s temperatures were remarkably mild for late May in Houston, with highs generally in the upper 70s to 80 degrees during the afternoon hours thanks to a weak front this weekend, and persistent cloud cover. That pattern will change this week, mostly sunny to sunny skies for most of the week. But we’re not going to get too hot.

One thing to note, however. We’re also not going full bore into summer-like humidity this week. That is certainly coming, but with dewpoints generally in the low- to mid-60s this week our air won’t be oppressively humid. So if you’re thinking this week feels a bit like summer, well, just you wait.

Another day with highs in the 80s in late May? We’ll take it. (Weather Bell)


Slightly cooler air will linger today, keeping high temperatures in the mid- to upper 80s despite mostly sunny skies. Winds will be light, out of the northeast, at about 5 mph, shifting to come from the east overnight. Lows will drop to around 70 degrees in Houston, and perhaps a few degrees cooler for inland areas.


Warming up a little more, with sunny skies and high temperatures of about 90 degrees. Winds will be light, out of the north, at perhaps 5 mph. Lows on Friday night will again drop to about 70 degrees in the city of Houston.


This will be another mostly sunny day with highs of around 90 degrees. The difference is that an atmospheric disturbance drops into the region during the daytime, and this may produce a slight or even decent chance of showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon. For now let’s ballpark rain chances at 20 percent, but this may go higher.

Thursday and Friday

Both of these days should see sunny skies, with highs in the upper 80s to 90 degrees.

Our weather this week will be pretty darn consistent. (Weather Bell)

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Warm and moderately humid conditions continue into Memorial Day weekend, with highs of around 90 degrees, and lows around 70 degrees. Skies should be mostly sunny on Saturday and Sunday, with the possibility of some clouds by Monday. We’ll see. Some slight rain chances probably return by Tuesday or so of next week, as we get close to June.