After 17 great years at the Houston Chronicle I’m moving to a new position at Ars Technica covering space. However the editors at Ars realize I have an interest in weather and a dedicated audience, so they agreed to allow me to continue writing about weather for the greater Houston area. I plan to deliver my brand of informative, hype-free forecasting at this site, so if that’s what you liked at the Chronicle, that’s what you’ll get here.
It’s wonderful, really, to be able to combine my two great professional interests. And it’s great to get to continue to interact with the tens of thousands of readers who really seem to value my content.

I should also note that Ars is my full-time job, and this site is more of a hobby. For me, however, it’s a very important hobby. I’ll still provide a daily update on weekday mornings, regardless of whether there’s no inclement weather in sight, or all heck is breaking loose. When more significant weather threatens I will work along with Matt Lanza to ensure greater Houston area readers have the information they need to know. This weekend, for example, I will provide wall-to-wall coverage of the impending storms.
Finally, you can follow me on Facebook, or a new Twitter account, to receive notification of updates here, and further Houston weather tidbits.