Beginning this morning, Houston has entered a distinctly wetter pattern that should bring 2 to 4 inches of rainfall to much of the region, with higher isolated totals. While area soils are plenty dry and able to handle such rain, the potential for briefly heavy rainfall could lead to a few flooded streets in low-lying areas at some point this week. The wet period may continue into Saturday morning.

So what has changed? After high pressure moved away from the region, much richer moisture has pushed into Texas from the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, the atmosphere is becoming more unstable as small disturbances begin to move overhead, promoting rising air. As a result of all this we’re going to see fairly widespread showers today across much of the region. With mostly cloudy skies, high temperatures should reach the mid- to upper-80s to go along with light, southeasterly winds. Rain chances become lower by around sunset, but may begin to increase again during the wee hours of Wednesday.
This will be another day with fairly widespread rain showers—about a 60 percent chance—and mostly cloudy skies. Look for highs in the mid-80s. The evening should again provide a bit of a reprieve from shower activity.
Thursday and Friday
At this point it looks like rain chances will peak on Thursday and Friday, with 70 or 80 percent of the area seeing rainfall each day. Highs, accordingly, will be in the mid-80s without much of a cooldown over night.

Saturday, Sunday, and beyond
Beginning on Saturday skies may turn a little more sunny, but we’ll still have a chance for at least some scattered showers. Sunday should be at least partly sunny as well, with highs nudging back into the upper 80s. After that time we’ll be watching to see if a cold front moving down through Texas makes it all the way through Houston and off the coast early next week . Either way, right now, the front looks to be a fairly weak one, with only moderate effects on temperatures and dewpoints. Your sweaters are safe in their closets, for now.
Back to the steam bath. Gotta love Gulf Coast weather……..
80’s and humid now sure beats frigid and having to shovel snow before and after work through a long winter in my book.
There are, of course, places where the climate is a much happier medium..
Or one could migrate….
Although my house and car do have wonderful devices that make the heat go away. Last thing I knew there wasn’t a magic button to make snow/ice disappear.
….. Your sweaters are safe in their closets, for now….. LOL
A tiny hail stone broke the other pane of one of our house windows as this moved into SW Houston!
I’ve a Friday morning flight back home, praying that there no flight delays.