Goooooooooood morning, Houston. And truly, it is a good morning. Lows have generally only fallen into the low 60s across the metro area, but the combination of cooler temperatures and significantly drier air has made for pleasant fall conditions. Although this brief fling with fall won’t last too long, if you’ve enjoyed this I’ve got some good news for you later in the forecast.
Fall will hang around for today and tonight—with splendid, sunny skies and highs only reaching about 80 degrees. Low temperatures tonight should fall into the low to mid-60s, except for areas along the coast. Play hooky!

With the return of southerly winds later in the day, we’re going to see a corresponding rise in humidity and temperatures. After a cool-ish start to the day, look for highs in the mid- to upper-80s with mostly sunny skies.
Friday through Sunday
Warm. These are probably the last three days of the year that we can expect to see 90-degree temperatures. It’s that time of year, and overall our weather should turn cooler next week. But before then, it’s going to be quite warm, with mostly sunny days and highs near or at 90 degrees. We can’t rule out some isolated or scattered rain showers, but for the most part it won’t rain, and where it does, accumulations should be fairly slight. A great weekend for the pool, beach, or other water activities.
Next week
By Monday, almost everyone (except for the few thermophiles who read this site) will be sick and tired of the heat and humidity. It’s mid-October, after all. And finally, it looks like we’re going to get a pretty nice fall cold front later on Sunday or Monday. I’m not 100 percent confident in temperatures, but I think we’ll be a good 5 degrees cooler than we are this morning—if not cooler. Highs for much of next week should be in the low 80s, with a few nights in the 50s (or lower 60s along the coast). In short, it should feel pretty great.
And a great morning to you as well. Enjoying this morning’s weather and the potential for more to come following summer’s last gasp this weekend. Keep up the great work on this, my go-to weather site.
Yes gorgeous fall weather this morning! But don’t knock those “thermophiles” too hard. This may be the first year they’ve escaped the cold and snowy north, and they thoroughly enjoy “not shoveling winter.”
Wahoo, finally I can come out of air conditioned hibernation
Ready to go for a long walk outdoors! Thanks for a great work.
Awesome news!
Thanks for all you do Eric. I’m not going to complain about the temps. But when is League City going to see some rain for our yards (yes, ironic, 1 month after Harvey).
Would love some 70s for Wings Over Houston on the 21st.
Warming back up by then, most likely.
How was the run this morning? What are you training for?
It was great! Could have been cooler, but I won’t complain. Ran 10 miles in preparation for the Houston marathon.
Hey, guys. You changed your facebook URL, which is fine, except for all those people (like me!) who had it bookmarked. So, I come over here, and in the “social” section of the home page, I find the facebook link – and that is also wrong. I finally found a post in my feed, and found the right URL there, but you should still update your website.
And when you think he couldn’t get more endearing, Eric uses the word “dazzling.” A big yes to that!