In brief: Summer’s here, and through Memorial Day you will find little to no relief in the area. From there, the weather pattern may get a little more unsettled next week, but nothing stands out that we can hang our hat on just yet.
I know that no one wants to talk about hurricane season after last week, but NOAA’s extremely active seasonal forecast released yesterday should remind us to plan for the season to come. We wrote about their forecast and the current state of the tropics yesterday at our companion site, The Eyewall. We’ll be updating that site every day or two going forward as the weather requires.

For those struggling with continued poor air quality thanks to the haze and smoke from agricultural fires in Central America and Mexico, I don’t think we will see much relief this weekend. I am hopeful we get a shift in wind next week though.
Yesterday’s low temperature at Hobby Airport was 80 degrees, the third time already we’ve failed to drop below that mark this year. We’ve already tied for the earliest first 80 degree morning on record at Hobby this year, on May 21st, matching the previous record set in 2022. We are running about a month and a half ahead of normal, for whatever “normal” is worth anymore. Today will be the seventh morning where the low temperature has failed to drop below 78 degrees, which sets a new record at Hobby for the most before June 1st. We should add at least three or four more days to that before we get a wee bit of relief next week just before the calendar changes.
Anyway, I write all this to say that this is not a normal start to summer. It’s hitting strong and fast. And don’t be shocked to see a heat advisory this weekend. Practice heat safety this weekend. Yeah, it’s Houston and it’s always hot in summer. But we are not yet acclimated to these temperatures for the season, so heat illness can come on quick and unexpectedly. Some of us are still cleaning up from last week or even still without power. Check on those folks, keep your pets cool, and look before you lock.
Today through Sunday
The front portion of the holiday weekend looks partly to mostly sunny and hot. Expect highs in the mid-90s and lows near 80, or essentially normal weather for late July, not late May.

I would not be entirely floored to see an isolated thunderstorm roll through areas north of Houston, perhaps as close as The Woodlands or Magnolia. Most people will not see one, but if you do, it could rain hard for a short time, with lightning, gusty winds, or even some hail. Again, this is most likely to be isolated and north of Highway 105, but perhaps as close as Montgomery or northern Harris County.
Memorial Day
This should be the hottest day of the stretch. Expect mid to upper 90s and a mix of sun and clouds with just a slight chance of a late shower or storm north and west.

Sunday and Monday’s heat will border on “extreme” levels, so maximum heat precautions should be taken here.
Rest of next week
Things start to change a bit next week. Temperatures will shift to become a little “less hot,” which means more like low-90s than mid-90s. Nighttime lows may drift back more into the mid-70s. A series of disturbances may try to erode away the northeast portion of the ridge of high pressure over Texas, so that could be just enough to fire back up some thunderstorms after Monday. I don’t even want to begin to speculate on timing or details or any of that. Just know that the stagnant pattern of this weekend may change a bit next week.
Can’t wait for our first 86° low in the coming months.
Heck I’m waiting to see our first 90 degree low. I’m sure that’s on the horizon
What does “look before you lock” mean?
Look for children in the back seat before you lock your car.
Soooooo sad and not ready! Can we do anything to cool us off a bit in the next few years?
Yes, tear out about 8,000 square miles of concrete……..
Very true, but you’d upset local governments who are passionate about ‘growth’.
Morgan Freeman can start narrating soon.
I was lucky enough to spend Summer 2011 in Seattle (due to work). That’s when I realized my retirement plan was to leave Houston on around Memorial Day and return after Labor Day.
Sounds like a solid retirement plan!
Nice, but not if you have a garden to protect and maintain in this area.
The weather is demoralizing. Houston is a great city, except for the weather. I have lived here for 39 years. When I retire, I think I will look for a city where the weather is not so extreme, that is inexpensive and friendly. Perhaps such a city does not exist…
Look at Lisbon, Portugal.
Tanstaafl- a few places on my radar – Knoxville, Spring Hill TN, Greenville SC, Huntsville, AL. The neat thing is with Google street view, you can actually “drive” around town and see if it is a dump or not. You can also stream local TV news to see if the have an issue with ax murderers or not
I like your list. Grew up in Huntsville, college in Knoxville and our son just finished college in Greenville!
So, best place to retire? I find Huntsville very interesting but never been there. Of course, for a retiree property and state income taxes are important. TN has no income tax, but in the bigger counties property taxes can be as bad as here.
New Hampshire
I know people who head to the upper Great Lakes every summer. I have to ask myself, though, do I really want to own/maintain/worry about two places over 1,000 miles apart? Just settle for one place in the middle. Not terribly hot in summer and not terribly cold in winter. Like the mid-south. And no hurricanes.
What happened to the “cool” front that was supposed to be coming Tuesday..? I know, it’s late May, so I should temper my expectations. But it was the light at the end of the high 90s tunnel to look for.. I see you guys didn’t mention it today and the 10 day forecast has gone back to “mid July” for the foreseeable future 🙁
It’s no longer supposed to make it… of course.😭
Oh that? It’s still there but now it’s just a pathetic “summer” front that will trigger afternoon showers maybe. Nights are no longer looking cooler anymore, endless sultry.
Big heat dome over Mexico. Not going anywhere. It’s been in the news…..HTX is on the periphery. For me, it still beats banjos and deliverance