Much of Houston to drop to near freezing temperatures later this week

Good morning. After a strong cold front advanced through the Houston area on Sunday afternoon and evening, temperatures have dropped below 50 degrees for much of the area. We’re going to remain chilly through Thursday before we warm back up for the weekend. The big concern this week will be the coldest weather we’ve experienced since the depths of last winter, with widespread low temperatures in the 30s on Thursday morning. A light freeze is possible for far inland areas, including Huntsville and possibly Conroe. Brisk northerly winds will add to the chill in the air.

Temperature change from Sunday morning to Monday morning. (Weather Bell)


Temperatures won’t increase much today, if at all. The combination of clouds, and the continued influx of colder and drier air will limit highs today to about 50 degrees for much of the region. Winds of 20 mph from the north, with gusts as high as 30 mph, will compound the cold. It is a day to bundle up. In addition, there is about a 50 percent chance of light showers, perhaps a bit higher inland of Interstate 10, and a bit lower for areas further south. Low temperatures tonight will drop into the mid-40s, generally, with a continued chance of light showers.


The weather on Halloween will be something of a fright. Skies will start out cloudy, with the possibility of a few lingering showers. Ee should see more sunshine during the afternoon hours, allowing highs to reach the mid-50s or so. However, ongoing northerly winds gusting to 20 mph or so will keep a chill in the air. Temperatures during the trick-or-treating hour will drop into the low 50s, en route to about 40 degrees overnight.

Wednesday and Wednesday night

Skies will be sunny on Wednesday, allowing high temperatures to reach about 60 degrees. Winds, too, should finally die down a bit. This will allow for ideal cooling conditions overnight, with temperatures dropping into the 30s for most of the metro area away from the coast. The record low for November 2 in Houston is 34 degrees, set in 1991. I don’t think we’re going to get that cold, but we could end up within a few degrees of that temperature. Certainly, it will be uncharacteristically cold for early November.

Houston area temperatures this week. (National Weather Service)

Thursday and Friday

We’ll see a distinct warming trend to end the work week, with highs in the 60s on Thursday, and reaching the 70s on Friday. Skies should be mostly sunny.

Saturday and Sunday

The weekend looks warm and sunny, with highs perhaps of around 80 degrees to go with moderate humidity levels. Rain chances will remain near zero.

Next week

After this cold outbreak, we should return to highs in the 80s next week before another front, perhaps on Thursday or so, cools us down again. Overall, rain chances look to remain quite low through the forecast period after today and tonight.

Winter is mere hours away from Houston—steel thyselves for wind and much cooler temperatures

Hi everyone! Just checking in on a Sunday to provide a heads up about the slightly faster timing of a robust cold front that is racing through Texas. It should pass through Houston and will be offshore a little after sunset. Temperatures with the front are trending a bit colder, and you’ll want to be prepared for that to start the week.


The front is already pushing into the far northwestern corner of the Houston metro area, having reached College Station at 10:30 am this morning. It should reach the central part of Houston, including downtown, between 4 and 6 pm today, and push off the coast by around 8 or 9 pm tonight. Temperatures will drop by around 15 degrees with the frontal passage, and should continue falling in its wake. Winds will be gusty with the front, and then should pick up during the overnight hours, bringing more colder and drier air to the region. Mostly light showers will be possible as the front comes through.

Apparent temperatures for Monday afternoon, factoring in the wind chill. (Weather Bell)

Monday will be rather cold!

Wake-up temperatures for most of the area, away from the coast, are likely to be in the upper 40s. It is entirely possible that areas inland of Interstate 10 will not even reach 50 degrees on Monday, and when you combine that with winds gusting at 20 to 25 mph out of the north it is going to feel really brisk outside. Like, seriously, bundle up those kids for school please. Skies will be mostly cloudy, and a chance of light rain will persist throughout the daytime and evening hours. Lows on Monday night will drop into the mid-40s for most of the area, with the coast being slightly warmer.


After a mostly cloudy start, we should see rain chances ending and skies clearing throughout the day on Tuesday. This will allow highs to reach into the mid-50s, but we’re going to continue to see breezy conditions with 20 or 25 mph gusts from the north. Temperatures will likely be about 50 degrees during the trick-or-treating hours, with overnight lows in the low 40s.

Low temperature forecast for Thursday morning. (Weather Bell)

Rest of the week

Cold conditions will stick around through Thursday, and Wednesday night should be the coldest of the week. Much of the Houston region is likely to drop into the upper 30s on Wednesday night as we see ideal cooling conditions with clear skies and light winds. A light freeze will be possible for areas at the northern periphery of the metro area. After this we’ll see a warming trend heading into the weekend.

We’ll have a full forecast update for you on Monday morning.

Monday’s strong cold front still on track after a warm and humid weekend

All is quiet across the area this morning, but yesterday definitely saw some heavy rain north and west of Houston, as a relatively persistent area of rainfall setup shop. This dumped as much as 3 to 6 inches over a fairly wide area northwest of Houston.

Rain totals of 3 to 6 inches or even a bit more fell northwest of Houston, while most areas in the city saw a good bit less. There were some 1 to 2 inch totals in eastern Harris County. (RadarScope)

Much of the area at least saw some rain yesterday. We should at least see some more rain today, perhaps in those same areas.


Look for another day of sporadic showers and thunderstorms across the area. Again, the best odds favor areas north and west of Houston for the most rain today, but rain could fall south and east as well, much like we saw on Thursday. It will remain warm and humid with highs well into the 80s.


Both Saturday and Sunday will continue to provide warm and humid weather for the area. We’ll see lows in the 70s and highs in the mid-80s on both days. Showers will be possible, but I think the coverage and intensity will ramp down some from what we saw yesterday and what we will see today.

Rain totals over the next 3 days will be relatively modest in most of the Greater Houston area, with the best odds for more meaningful rain north and west of the region. (Pivotal Weather)


Alright, the latest the timing on Monday’s cold front brings it through Houston just after midnight, which will lead to plunging temperatures well before sunrise on Monday. In the afternoon, we will struggle to get past the upper-50s with a gusty north wind ramping up. If you have loose Halloween decorations, it’s probably a good idea to try to secure them as best as possible on Sunday afternoon. Anyway, there will be showers or some thunderstorms with the front as it pushes in, and clouds, light rain, and drizzle may persist for awhile through the day.


Look for lows in the 40s on Tuesday morning. Expect a breezy to windy day, especially near the coast, where winds of 20 to 30 mph or stronger are likely. We will see a good bit of cloud cover lingering on Tuesday, and that may keep temperatures in the 40s for much of the morning before some afternoon clearing allows us to warm into the 50s. For Houston, our coolest Halloween afternoon occurred in 1925 when we only hit 47 degrees. More recently, back in 2019 we only mustered 57 degrees, the 4th coolest on record. We may fall just short of that on Tuesday. The record low for Halloween is safe at 29 degrees back in 1993. For evening festivities, look for temperatures nudging back into the upper-40s or near 50 degrees with continued breezy conditions. Bundle up, kids!

Low temperatures on Thursday morning may lead to patchy frost well north of Houston from Lufkin to Madisonville to just north of College Station. (Pivotal Weather)

Rest of next week

The rest of the week looks great. Expect sunshine Wednesday through Friday with temperatures slowly nudging back warmer. We should be in the upper-50s to near 60 on Wednesday, mid-60s on Thursday, and low-70s on Friday with morning lows in the 40s or upper-30s all three days. Sublime autumn weather in my opinion! We will probably hear about frost advisories at some point well to the north of Houston, particularly between Lufkin, Madisonville, and College Station. Even an isolated sheltered location or two up that way has a chance at a light freeze also. But this is highly unlikely in the Houston metro.

Rain today, then a Canadian air mass dives into Houston early next week

Good morning. Houston faces four more warm days before take out first deep dive into much cooler weather. How cold? Well, most of the Houston region will likely dip into the low- to mid-40s at some point next week, and a few outlying areas might actually see the upper 30s. So yes, it’s going to be sweater weather. Halloween, as well, looks breezy and cool with temperatures of perhaps 50 degrees by the time kids start knocking on doors.


The story for today is rainfall, or at least its potential. An upper-level disturbance will produce a mass of showers and thunderstorms to the northwest of Houston that will slowly sag down toward the area today. These storms should reach the College Station area by around noon, and push into the central Houston area later this afternoon and evening. It’s worth noting that, as they push into Houston, the showers will be losing their oomph. So if you live inland of Highway 59/Interstate 69, you have a pretty good chance of picking up 0.5 to 1.5 inch of rain between now and Friday morning, with higher isolated totals beneath heavier showers. Areas further to the southeast, particularly closer to the coast, should see substantially less rain.

NOAA rain accumulation forecast for now through Thursday night. (Weather Bell)

Otherwise, expect partly sunny skies today, with highs in the mid-80s. Winds will be out of the south at about 10 mph, and gusts up to 20 mph. Rain chances should end late this evening, and almost certainly before midnight. Lows tonight will drop only into the mid-70s.


This will be another warm, humid day with highs in the mid-80s. We’ll again see a mix of sunshine and clouds. Rain chances will not be as high as Thursday, but we’re still going to see at least a smattering of showers, if not more. I’d peg rain chances at about 40 percent, with lesser accumulations than Thursday.

Saturday and Sunday

The weekend should see continued warm and humid weather, with two days of partly to mostly sunny skies and highs in the mid-80s. Both days will have a low chance of rain, perhaps 20 percent. All eyes, meteorologically at least, will be on the forthcoming front. But at this point it probably won’t reach the Houston metro area until late Sunday evening, perhaps crossing through downtown around midnight, give or take a few hours. We’ll likely see some showers will the front, and drier and cooler air almost immediately after its passage.

Oh, it’s going to be that cold? (Weather Bell)

Next week

High temperatures on Monday are likely to be in the 50s, area-wide, so bundle those kids up as they head off to school. Add on to this mostly cloudy skies and blustery northerly winds, with the possibility of some scattered showers, and it’s going to feel downright chilly. Lows Monday night will drop into the upper-40s, probably.

So what about Halloween? I think it will be another partly to mostly cloudy day with highs in the 50s—perhaps even in the low 50s. There may be a few lingering showers, but I think skies will dry up before it is time to trick-or-treat. It’s possible that a reinforcing front drives low temperatures into the lower 40s by Wednesday or Thursday morning, but the forecast is starting to get fuzzy by then. We should start to warm up heading into next weekend.