Houston faces high and dry weather through Saturday before clouds return and eventually some rain chances

Good morning. Warmer weather lies ahead for our region, with some 90-degree days for inland areas. But the hotter temperatures on Friday and Saturday (that’s the high weather) will be tempered by lower humidity and cooler mornings and evenings (and that’s the dry). We’ll also see mostly sunny skies for awhile, but eventually some better rain chances will return next week. See below for information on our Fall Day celebration Sunday.

Location of cool front before sunrise on Thursday morning. (Weather Bell)


There’s a modest cool front draped across Central Texas this morning, roughly along the I-35 corridor. That will eventually bring us some drier air, but for today most of the Houston region will see somewhat muggy conditions to go along with sunny skies and highs in the mid- to upper-80s. The front will reach at least the northwest part of the Houston metro area this evening, bringing some drier conditions overnight. Inland areas will drop into the upper 50s, whereas areas closer to the coast are likely to remain in the low-60s.


After a cool start, temperatures will warm efficiently with dry air spreading into the entire region. Highs are likely to reach 90 degrees, or just above, for all areas except the coast, which will be a bit cooler. Skies will be sunny, and with lower dewpoints it will not really feel humid at all outside. Winds will be light, from the southwest. Overnight lows drop to around 60 degrees in Houston, with cooler conditions further inland.

Friday’s temperatures will be dry and high. (Weather Bell)


The first half of the weekend will see sunny skies and highs around 90 degrees. Winds, again, will be light from the southwest. As the front washes out, we’ll start to see humidity levels rise some, and this increased atmospheric moisture will lead to a warmer night. Lows on Saturday night will probably only drop into the upper 60s for most.


Increased cloud cover will help to moderate high temperatures on Sunday, which likely will reach the mid- to upper-80s. With dewpoints in the 60s, it will be a bit humid, but not oppressively so. By late afternoon conditions should be fairly mild outside, and I do hope you’ll join us for Fall Day from 4 to 6 pm at McGovern Centennial Gardens. I’m looking forward to hearing about your experiences during this torrid summer, and any forecasts that you think we particularly messed up on this year! Lows on Sunday night will drop to about 70 degrees.

Next week

The pattern for next week will basically be that of a warm, southerly flow. This means highs generally in the mid-80s, with partly cloudy skies, and mild nights with lows of about 70 degrees. We’ll see increasing rain chances by Tuesday or so, with decent accumulations likely by week’s end of perhaps 1 to 2 inches. As for the next real cold front, it does not appear likely to reach our region until some time next weekend.

How warm will we go? Temperatures likely to peak on Friday in Houston area

Good morning. Temperatures are generally in the 50s across the Houston region this morning, and this will be the last time we’re this chilly for about 10 days as our weather turns warmer and, eventually, a bit wetter. If you’ve enjoyed the cooler weather, take heart. It does look like we’ll return to much more fall-like pattern before the end of October.

As a reminder, despite the brief return to warmer weather, we’re excited to be celebrating Fall Day on Sunday. We’re gathering at McGovern Centennial Gardens, at the northern end of Hermann Park, any time from 4 and 6 pm for a festive meet-and-greet and fall activities for all ages—face painting, photo opportunities, seasonal treats and more! Admission is free. It’s not mandatory, but if you’d like to tell us you’re coming, please do so here. It will help with planning.

Much of Texas is in the 50s this morning. But the Houston area will now say goodbye to chilly air for awhile. (Weather Bell)


Winds have turned to come from the south, and this will allow us to warm to about 80 degrees today. Skies will be sunny, and those winds should remain light, in the vicinity of 5 to 10 mph. As dewpoints recover some, we’ll start to feel a little bit more humidity this afternoon and evening. Overnight lows probably will be about 10 degrees warmer than Tuesday night, dropping into the 60s.

Thursday and Friday

Our pattern turns decidedly warmer to end the work week, with an atmospheric flow generally from the southwest, which will help nudge temperatures into the upper 80s for much of the region on Thursday. A weak front will slowly slog through the area overnight Thursday, and this infusion of slightly drier air will help push temperatures a bit higher on Friday. Some inland areas will likely hit 90 degrees, although humidity will be lower.

Friday should be the region’s hottest day with a warmer southwesterly flow. (Weather Bell)

Saturday and Sunday

Lows will drop into the low- to mid-60s on Saturday morning, with drier air. However, the front’s influence will fade pretty quickly and we’ll see a more southerly flow. Look for a few clouds on Saturday, with highs in the upper 80s for the most part, with a few areas possibly touching 90 degrees. Some clouds will be possible on Sunday, with highs likely in the mid- to upper-80s for most of the area.

Next week

Our pattern will generally be warm and wet next week, although as usual we have some questions as to how wet conditions will get. Generally, days should be partly cloudy, with highs in the mid-80s. Rain chances will start to increase on Tuesday, and much of the area could see 0.5 to 2 inches of precipitation next week, give or take, as atmospheric moisture levels rise. The air will be fairly muggy. If you’re wondering where fall is, there is a fairly strong signal for a robust front by around next Friday or Saturday. That’s far enough in the future for it to be uncertain, but at this point I definitely think it’s likely.

Taking a look back at the worst summer Houston has ever experienced

Now that we’re in the middle of October, and summer is pretty much over, we’re publishing a review of what the region has experienced since the beginning of June. In short, it was the city’s hottest summer on record, and one of the driest. The end of such a brutal summer is one of the reasons why we’re excited to celebrate Fall Day this year—we’re all grateful for the onset of fairer weather. Please join us from 4 to 6 pm on Sunday at McGovern Centennial Gardens. If you’d care to let us know you’re coming, you can do so here.

I am going to break down this Summer 2023 review into an introduction about the data, and three sections. First up is a big picture look at what the region experienced this summer, in terms of temperature and rainfall. Second is a more granular look at the Houston area, and some of the specific trends that concern me the most. And finally, we’ll talk a little bit about what made this summer so hot, and what is causing these trends to occur.

About the data

To be clear, when we say hottest this is measuring “average” temperature, in the sense that you take a daily high, a daily low, and the average of that is that day’s mean temperature. When you do that over the course of a month, this June was the seventh hottest on record for Houston with an average temperature of 85.1 degrees, July was the second hottest, and August and September were both the hottest on record. September’s average of 85.3 degrees absolutely smashed the previous record of 83.9 degrees, set in 2019.

Secondly, let’s be clear about what “on record” means. Houston has recorded weather data since 1881, although records are only available since 1889 due to the loss of earlier data. The “official” weather station has moved around some as the weather office moved in downtown before finally reaching its present location at Bush Intercontinental Airport in 1969. Here is the complete lineage of official weather data in Houston.

  • Cotton Station (July 1881 – September 1909)
  • Stewart Building at Preston and Fannin (September 1909 – February 1926)
  • Shell Building at Texas and Fannin (March 1926 – August 1938)
  • Federal Building at Franklin and Fannin (August 1938 – May 1969)
  • Intercontinental Airport (June 1969 – Present)

Given that the station has moved some, there is a bit of danger in comparing records from before 1969 to the present. But there are some work-arounds for this. Most notably, the National Weather Service has collected data at Houston’s Hobby Airport since 1930 (with the exception of the years during World War II). We’ll see later in the post how this is useful to looking at trends over the course of nearly a century. Ok, enough of a preamble, let’s look at the data for this summer.

Big picture overview

Thanks to persistent high pressure over the United States, this was the warmest summer on record for much of the Southern United States, including large swathes of Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Here is a map showing the ranking of the average temperature this summer during the three-month period of July through September

Summertime ranking of temperatures.

Note this data from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, and includes records dating back to 1895. A similar, though not quite as devastating trend occurred with precipitation. For Texas, this was the seventh driest on record, and for the Houston area it was among the five driest summers on record. What saved us from a truly terrible drought was a fairly wet spring.

Statewide ranks for total rainfall during the July through September period. (NOAA)

Now let’s take a look at trend data for the Houston area. First up is the average temperature for the summer months of June through September, at Houston’s official monitoring location. An upward trend is clearly discernible, as the average summer temperature in the 1890s was 81 degrees, and it is now above 83 degrees. Also of note, this summer’s mean temperature of 87.3 degrees eclipsed the previous record set in 2011, 86.7 degrees.

One other thing I’d like you to note. See that dip in temperature starting in 1969? That corresponds to the move of the official weather station to Bush Intercontinental Airport. This is further inland from the Gulf of Mexico than downtown, and therefore nighttime temperatures are generally a bit cooler at night. You can click on the image to make it larger if you like.

I also want to share a graphic that shows a time series of 100-degree days in Houston. Note that there were 45 days this year with a maximum temperature of 100 degrees, which is one below the record of 46 days set in 2011.

Number of 100-degree days in Houston. (NOAA)

Once again we have to consider the bias of Bush Intercontinental Airport. Because it is further inland, it tends to have warmer daytime temperatures than areas closer to the coast. So let’s zoom in to just the period of record from 1969 to the present day.

Number of 100-degree days reported in Houston, by year. (NOAA)

There is a clear upward trend from the 1970s and early 1980s, when it was common for there to be no 100-degree days in Houston. Now it is uncommon for there to be no 100-degree days. The average number now is 12 per year according to a simple line of regression.

Finally, I want to share one more chart about this summer’s heat. The city’s all-time hottest temperature is 109 degrees. We tied that mark twice this summer, and three of the city’s seven hottest days on record occurred this summer. That fourth week in August was just that brutal.

Hottest days in Houston history. (NOAA)

Zooming in on Hobby Airport

Perhaps the most striking thing about this summer’s temperatures were not the days, but the nights. If you talk to people who have lived in Houston for a while, they’ll say that it used to cool down a bit a night. And the truth is, we are seeing fewer cooler nights. To show this I want to focus in on Hobby Airport, which is the location for which we have the longest, continuous stream of data in Houston.

First up is a look at the average low temperature during the summertime months of June, July, and August at Hobby Airport. If we look at nights there is a striking rise from the 1930s, when the average low temperature in the summer was about 72 degrees at night. Now the average low temperature is 77 degrees at night at Hobby Airport. As a matter of fact, during this summer we went 90 straight nights without a low temperature reaching 72 degrees.

Average summertime minimum temperature at Hobby Airport, by year. (NOAA)

Now I want to share the most eye-popping chart I made while looking over temperature data from Houston this past summer, compared to earlier years. It concerns 80-degree nighttime temperatures. These used to be a rarity. Hobby Airport did not record a single 80-degree minimum until 1953. That is to say, the low at Hobby had always fallen below 80 degrees at night for the previous 20 years. After that, 80-degree nights remained a relative rarity until the turn of the century.

Number of nights with a minimum temperature of 80 degrees or above. (NOAA)

And what happens after the turn of the century? The number of 80-degree nights skyrockets in a curve that looks almost asymptotic. This year there were 57 days of nights with a minimum temperature of 80 degrees or higher. Put another way, there were more 80-degree nights this year than there were from 1930 through 2007 at Hobby Airport.

So yes, if if feels like the summertime nights are warmer in Houston, you’re not wrong. Unfortunately you’re very, very right.

What are we to make of this summer

I am a meteorologist and not a climate scientist, so I asked Andy Dessler, a noted climate scientist and professor of atmospheric sciences at Texas A&M University, what to make of the striking upward trend in 80-degree nights at Hobby Airport. Here’s what he said:

In analyzing the strong upward trend, I think the dramatic behavior is due to the metric used. When we’re looking at temperatures above a specific threshold, such as 80°F in this case, you can often see abrupt shifts, even if the average nighttime is just slowly increasing. The stark surge we’re observing is likely because in the last few years we’ve dramatically increased the chance of reaching 80°F. As the temperatures continue to rise, this abrupt increase will plateau when we hit 90 days.

As for the general upward trend in nighttime temperatures at Hobby Airport, they are being driven in part by a warmer Gulf of Mexico. Sea surface temperatures this year (and most recent summers) have been a few degrees above normal. We feel this influence most keenly at night, with the warm onshore breeze counteracting the cooling effect of cloudless nights. More from Dessler:

The observed temperature patterns can be attributed to several factors, and a warmer Gulf of Mexico is definitely one of the important contributors. Also remember that rapidly warming nights have been a longstanding prediction of climate science. This is a consequence of the enhanced greenhouse effect. The energy for the surface during the day comes from the Sun and the atmosphere (the greenhouse effect). At night, it’s just the atmosphere. So increasing the strength of the greenhouse effect has a bigger relative effect during the night, while during the day it’s not as important because you’re getting a lot of energy from the Sun.

When looking at changes in temperature, it is always difficult to tease out the complexities of natural variability, the urban heat island effect due to a growing metropolitan area, and a warming planet. But it’s not like development around Houston’s Hobby Airport surged at the turn of the century, when we started to see an uptick 80-degree nights. That area has been fairly well developed for many decades. So what we’re seeing there is a strong signal from climate change.

We can have reasonable disagreements about the precise causes of the warming outlined above, and what to do about it. But the data is the data. It is not perfect, but it is telling us something important. This summer, in fact, it seemed to be shouting at us.

After Houston records first truly cold night since March, come celebrate Fall Day with us Sunday

Good morning. I want to begin this post with a couple of notes. First of all, I’m thrilled to say we’re working with Reliant to bring you our second Fall Day celebration this weekend. This year we’re going to be gathering at McGovern Centennial Gardens, which is located at the northern end of Hermann Park. Please join us between 4 and 6 pm on Sunday, October 22, for a festive meet-and-greet and fall activities for all ages—face painting, photo opportunities, seasonal treats and more! Admission is free. It’s not mandatory, but if you’d like to tell us you’re coming, please do so here. It will help us with planning.

Second, we’re going to publish our review of summertime temperatures later this morning. In this long post we will look back at the hottest summer on record in Houston, and just how bad it really was. Spoiler alert: Really really hot. OK, now onto the forecast.


How cold is it outside this morning? Much of the region has fallen into the 40s this morning. As of 6:30 am, Houston’s official monitoring station has reached 48 degrees, and this is the first time since March 20 that temperatures have dropped below 50 degrees in the region. Here’s a look at other locations in the Houston area this morning, courtesy of the Space City Weather app.

Image from iPad version of the Space City Weather app on Tuesday morning.

This will be the bottom of temperatures for awhile, however, and we’re going to warm back up later this week. Highs today will reach the mid-70s, with dry air and sunny skies. Light, northeast winds will shift to come from the southeast later today or tonight. Lows will drop into the mid- to upper-50s, so about 10 degrees warmer than Tuesday night.


Highs will reach about 80 degrees on Wednesday, with mostly sunny skies. Light Southerly winds will herald the return of the onshore flow, and this will start to push humidity levels up some. Lows on Wednesday will drop only into the mid-60s.


This will be a warmer day, as the southerly flow continues, with highs in the upper 80s. Skies will be mostly sunny, with overnight lows in the mid-60s.


A weak front will push through Houston early on Friday, likely moving off the coast during the late morning hours. We cannot rule out some isolated showers as this moves through, but I’m doubtful that we’ll see many showers reaching the ground. This front is going to bring some moderately drier air, but it’s not going to cool us down much. Rather, the drier air will warm more efficiently during daytime hours, so we’re going to see highs in the upper 80s on Friday, with a few inland areas possibly reaching 90 degrees. Humidity will, at least, be a bit lower.


Lows will drop to about 60 degrees on Saturday morning with the moderately drier air, but highs again should reach the upper 80s for most of the region. We may see a few clouds as the onshore flow returns at some point on Saturday. Lows on Saturday night will drop into the mid-60s.

High temperature forecast for our Fall Day celebration on Sunday. (Weather Bell)


Ahhh, Fall Day. When we had to pick a location and date several weeks ago for planning purposes, this probably isn’t the day I would have picked to celebrate “fall” in Houston. But with high temperatures in the mid- to upper-80s, and not unreasonable humidity levels, it’s still going to be just fine outside from 4 to 6 pm with the Sun lower in the sky. So I do hope you’ll join us for our celebration. Skies will be partly cloudy, likely with a light southerly breeze.

Next week

By Monday the southerly flow will become more pronounced, and we’re looking at a string of days with partly to mostly cloudy skies, a fair bit of humidity, and highs likely in the mid-80s. We’ll also see some decent rain chances starting on Tuesday or so, through around Friday. Some sort of cold front probably will arrive by Friday or Saturday of next week, but the details on that are really hazy this far out.