Relentless Texas heat continues and will worsen again next week

Through June 10th, Houston had experienced our coolest June since 2017, with a chance to perhaps outpace that year too. Since June 10th and through yesterday, it has been the third hottest mid-June stretch on record. When all is said and done, this will end up being one of our hottest Junes on record. We are firmly in it over the next week.


I am not prepared to say that our rain chances are over with just yet. There are storms offshore of Louisiana this morning, along with a couple clusters of storms riding the periphery of the heat ridge over Texas.

Storm clusters riding the periphery of the heat ridge over Texas may lead to some showers and storms, mainly east of I-45 today. (College of DuPage)

As those clusters drop south and east, complex interactions with lingering boundaries from storms in recent days could yield at least a few new storms, mainly east of I-45. I think that’s the exception, not the rule and that the intensity of the storms will (hopefully) be much less than seen the other night. So don’t bank on storms. But just know there’s a chance.

Outside of that, more of the same: Clouds, sun, a heat advisory that could be upgraded to an excessive heat warning, and plentiful humidity. Highs will be in the upper-90s.

Saturday & Sunday

Hot. Highs near 100, lows near 80. Rain chances decline to near zero.

No relief is expected through next Thursday. (Weather Bell)

Next week

We will escalate the heat daily until about Wednesday or Thursday, when things should peak. This will push us into the low-100s for highs, with lows again near 80. While humidity doesn’t look *as* high as this past week’s heat, it will likely be high enough, along with slightly less wind to lead to another round of potential Excessive Heat Warnings.

Wet bulb globe temperature is another measurement of heat stress on the body that we can use to assess the seriousness of a heat wave. In this case, it will be at “extreme” levels this weekend and next week (Weather Bell)

When we look at the wet bulb globe temperature forecast for Houston we see extreme values continuing, much like this past week. Heat index basically factors in humidity and temperature to give us a “feels like” value in the shade. Wet bulb globe (WBGT) factors in things like latitude and date to generate sun angle, wind speed, and cloud cover, in addition to temperature and humidity to generate a measurement of heat stress in the sun. What I like about WBGT is that it’s sort of a universal measurement. Once above 90, that poses extreme stress on your body, whether in Houston, Miami, or Phoenix. Houston would typically be in the moderate to high level of WBGT this time of year, so the fact that we’re in “extreme” levels speaks to how abnormally hot this is for us.

A long way of saying: Take it easy on yourself. Go slow. Drink water. Maximum heat precautions need to be fully implemented over the next week.

Hopefully the “death ridge” responsible for this heat shifts into the Desert Southwest next weekend or the week of July 3rd. Should that happen, perhaps we can resume more typical summer weather here in Houston, which while still certainly hot, would be a little less stressful on our bodies.

28 thoughts on “Relentless Texas heat continues and will worsen again next week”

  1. Would love to see a link in your regular email to the eye wall web page. Ty.

    • Blame it on the republicans…who do not care about global warming.. uneducated fools..and Texas will suffer because of their ignorance..

      • Yes, because some political party is responsible for a link on SCW’s email to get to The Eyewall?

      • What?? How does a heat wave in Texas or for that matter anywhere else have to be attributed to Republicans? Unbelievable!!

        • Don’t be baited. It’s just a troll. This is a great forum to comment intelligently on the weather or the climate. Maybe we learn something new. There’s nothing like it on Twitter. All trolls should go there.

        • (Corporate bought) Republicans have been rolling back air pollution regulations for years. Whether due to greed or ignorance, this is what happens. These temperature increases, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events could have been prevented but profits mattered much more to a top few percent. TxGOP is 100% in Oil and Gas’s pocket and we are just beginning to see the long term consequences. It’s a runaway train. I’m hoping some nerd invents a revolutionary carbon capture process that can be scaled up quickly. Or maybe AI will come up with something. (Ooor maybe AI doesn’t so we die off and the environment can rebound, heh.) We have too much CO2 and CH4 in the air, period, and it’s not cyclical/natural/volcanic. It’s US, dammit, but it is not too late. We can still fix this but it’s going to require some cushy politicians, backed by deep profits, to step aside.

          • Lisa, you are right on target. I wonder if those fat cats think that there is an Elysium for them to go to like in the distopian movie. Spoiler alert there is no such place. This is the only planet there is.

  2. Would really, really appreciate it if we could get it back into the 90s for July 4th. Hope that the system moves!

  3. Good morning 🌞

    I thought I read that the heat dome affecting us was sitting over Northern Mexico first. Does anyone have an idea as to when and where it first formed, and how long it took to sidle over on us?

    Tysm 🌻

    • Heat developed probably last week…building in under a ridge (“heat dome”) centered over Mexico. That has weakened now, but it will re-strengthen and re-center itself farther north so that it’s more focused over Texas. And that’s next week’s heat.

  4. The words “plentiful humidity” should be considered fighting words in these parts.

    It is pretty telling of the extreme heat/humidity that we’re going to be happy to get back to the low 90s. But, I’ll gladly take it as the countdown to Fall Day continues.

  5. Recently retired and thinking of leaving TX after 30 years. I can’t take this heat anymore.

  6. Thank you guys for all was being on top of things and I know hype way. Please remind everyone that it’s not just humans. But pets that need to be looked after. Do not leave your pets outside. You like your conditioning day to plus you’re not wearing a Fur coat. Please also for the love of God. Don’t leave pets or people in cars. We need to also conserve electricity. Don’t leave outside lights on. Don’t leave unnecessary lights on.
    I think the biggest offenders are all those downtown buildings that the lights are kept on. We all need to make sure to conserve so that we all have power during this very horrible and uncomfortable time.

    • Thank you for mentioning pets! Google Schwarzman Animal Medical Center in NYC on the socials to see their handy guide to pet safety tips in the summer heat.

  7. 3rd day in a row my dog is having the worse days of her life with all this thunder. i have no clue what to do about it, the vet has prescribed her anxiety meds but it just isnt enough and its iklling me to see my dog have anxiety like this three days in a row. yesterday i decided to start cleaning out a closet to make some sort of bunker for her so if any one has any times to reduce the vibration/sounds let me know

    • There is a product called a Ghunder Coat – which sounds ridiculous, but it works. Can buy it at the local pet food store. Pay attentionnto your dog’s size and weight. It will wrap and velcro on the dog, like a hug or a weighted blanket. Anxiety calms! Good luck!

      • Argh. Tupo. THUNDER coat. There are different brands with different names, nut concept is same.

    • The East End just got hammered with hail, mostly golf ball sized, some much larger. I think there’s another SCW evening “Well, we didn’t see THAT coming, did we?” post in the cards, LOL…

  8. Getting absolutely hammered here in Spring Branch. Golf ball sized hail everywhere. I didn’t see this in the forecast!!

  9. Kudos to Matt for including a possibility of rain in your forecast today. You nailed it! The National Weather service didn’t even hint of rain in their forecast. God did the impossible and brought down those clouds that you showed in your post this morning. Enjoying this glorious blessing from above!

  10. Man, some pics I saw backed up golf ball sized. Normally I assume it’s all fish stories when it comes to hail size. These were filling up an entire palm

  11. Well, it’s 9:52pm and raining again at i45 and 242 in The Woodlands! Grateful for the rain and a good laugh as my weather app says 6% chance of rain. No worries, I don’t mistake you for the Creator. Your still the best weather guys in town, though!

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