If you’re planning outdoor activities on Sunday please take the potential for strong wind gusts into account. As pressures fall on Saturday night and Sunday morning, and a front moves through the Houston area, the region will likely see sustained winds from 20 to 30 mph for most of the day.

Gusts in Houston may reach into the low 40s, and 45 mph or higher right along the coast. This will drive temperatures and humidity levels down, and most of next week will finally feel more like winter than fall.
Also, after a series of major rain events have raked Houston during the last week, the region will also enter into a much drier period, with low rain chances for at least the next week or 10 days. For those fretting about the “end” of winter, it also seems likely that we’ll see some significantly colder weather by the end of this month, but the details still aren’t entirely clear. In any case, winter isn’t over yet.
Posted at 10:30am CT on Saturday by Eric
(Space City Weather is sponsored by Westbury Christian School for this month)
The amount of rain last night was was unexpetced – 4.1 inches around Ellington, most of it falling in a little over an hour (missed the first period of the ‘Hawks game too since the rain KO’ed Directv). I can’t remember it raining that hard in January before.
It was really intense, especially for PWs in the 1.4-1.5 range.
PWs ?
precipitable water
Have your thoughts changed about widespread power outages on Sunday, Matt? Eric?
Paul’s asking a pretty good question. Everyone from NOAA to Channel 11’s David Paul is predicting winds up to 50mph, as well as a downed tree and power line threat. If they are to be believed, we could be looking at the highest number of homes without power since Hurricane Ike!