You may have noticed that we’ve had some server issues over the last six months. The thing is, we became really popular, really quickly. And that’s a good thing—just not when you’re trying to keep the site running and bad weather hits and the site dies.

Fortunately, I think we’ve solved the issues. We’ve moved the site to a new server. We have lots of memory, cache, storage, and all kinds of other resources I think we’re going to need. I think.
If you subscribed by e-mail, we haven’t migrated users over to the new server yet. I’m hoping to address this in the next 24 to 48 hours. We have a plan. I think it will work. If it doesn’t work, or if you want to make sure you don’t miss anything, you can subscribe now in the “Subscribe via e-mail” box to the right of this post.
Thank you to all of our readers for your patience and forbearance. If it’s been frustrating for you, believe me, it’s been ten-fold for us.
Hey, at least comments work! 😀
Why not use public cloud hosting if you can’t forecast demand 😉 ? (puns intended)
Thanks for raining on my parade.
Big fan of your site, so I’m happy to help you out if you run into any other technical issues or need a second opinion (18 years in IT).
Thank you Keith.