Good morning. Storms are possible later today, but our best guess is that they’ll probably skirt the metro Houston area and remain to the northwest. Thanksgiving looks quite pleasant in the wake of a moderate front.
It’s generally in the mid-60s across the Houston area today, quite warm for late November. Along with warmer mornings, we’re going to see some other key differences today in weather that augur the potential for storms later. Winds will pick up out of the south later by this afternoon, possibly gusting up to about 20mph. We’ll also see more cloud cover later today, an indication of rising moisture levels.
Meanwhile a strong disturbance over the southwestern United States will move east, toward Texas today. For our northwestern region, including the College Station area, the combination of daytime heating and the disturbance will create conditions favorable for some severe weather this afternoon through about midnight, or shortly before. There may be enough rotation to produce some isolated tornadoes and hail, but the primary threat is probably severe thunderstorms. (Fortunately daytime temperatures only in the mid-70s may limit some of the severity of storms). Here’s where NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center says the biggest threat will come later today: