Most of Houston saw cloudy skies, but not too much rain this weekend. But the same cannot be said for some coastal areas, particularly in Matagorda and Brazoria counties. As much as 10 inches fell in the Freeport area, and coastal regions in Matagorda, Brazoria, Galveston and Chambers counties remain under a flash flood watch through at least noon today.

These coastal areas could pick up another couple of inches today as a slow-moving area of low pressure drifts slowly down the Texas coast. While it is not particularly a threat to develop into a tropical system it will remain a rainmaker all the same.
Truth be told, heavy rain is possible for most of the Houston metro area today, as daytime temperatures warm up. Some parts of town could pick up 1-3 inches whereas other areas see threatening skies, but little to no rain. Highs should remain in the upper 80s.
Conditions should dry out some on Tuesday, with less heavy rain, but we’re still likely to see partly cloudy skies, intermittent rain and highs only of about 90 degrees. Don’t look now, but it’s almost the end of August, and fall isn’t too far around the corner.