Good afternoon. We’re jumping in to say that yes, that potential for heavy rainfall we’ve been talking about was in fact real. And that it is happening right now. Essentially we have seen the collision of two atmospheric boundaries over the metro area this afternoon, and it has combined with daytime heating to produce widespread showers and thunderstorms.

This rainfall is very much welcome, and helping to put a dent in our extreme drought conditions. But it has also come at an inconvenient time, with the Friday evening rush hour upon us, and the prospect of some high water in streets. While we do not anticipate significant flooding concerns, please do take some extra time and caution on the roadways this evening.
I do think that the slow movement of these storms to the southeast should continue, with the bulk of the heavy rainfall likely moving offshore by around sunset, if not before. After that we expect a fairly quiet period overnight and during the first half of the day on Saturday. However, it’s possible that we will see another round of storms on Saturday afternoon. We’ll have an update for you on Saturday morning with the latest on what to expect this weekend.

Why doesn’t it rain in Cypress, Texas? Lots of us have been unable to figure this out. With all of the activity today, we are dumbfounded to discover that the abundant rainfall totally missed the Cypress area.
Very nice 1-2 inches in about 90 minutes in Alden Bridge, The Woodlands!
Other than some gusty winds Copperfield/Cypress received no rain this afternoon and very little rain the past two days.
Spring Branch out to 290/hwy 6 got totally missed!
Why don’t we ever get rain on the far west side of town? It seems to go everywhere but here :-(.
Same!!! Katy area here – have gotten a grand total of 0.1” over past two months. All we get is heavy winds that leave the street a mess but no actual rainfall
At least you don’t need to evacuate.
Cypress desperately needs rain! Everything goes around our house. So many storms have headed our way only to disappear. 😩
We’ll just cross our fingers for the next time.
Roger that on Cypress. This afternoons storm broke right around my hood.
30 minutes of rain in Montrose at our place.
“When it rains, it pours”- Spanish Proverb
Absolutely pouring in Friendswood. Closing in on 2″ today. 3″ in the last two days. With the active sub tropical jet kicking in this drought is officially over…
West side. Line heading towards us, broke up, dissipated, then reformed east of us. 1. God is mad. 2. The Gov has a geo fence around the area preventing rain. 3. It’s just bad luck. 4. It’s so dry it causes rain to immediately evaporate over the area.
On the westside and saw two massive cells coming my way only to split and completely miss. Such beautiful grey clouds all around and no rain.
Well, we were very unlucky. Had about 2-1/2 minutes of light rain over the last two days. I would think it wasn’t even one tenth of an inch. So, back to watering the yard.
No rain here either. Looked like it rained everywhere else but at my house.
Rain was not real IMO
Big letdown
Hasnt rained in my section of Cypress since 7/3. Nada
Lots of rain in the Pearland/Friendswood area this pm. 3″ but came down pretty fast! Thankful for any and all!
Plenty of rain in Sugar Land…….finally.
We recieved about an inch,dont care my landscape was smiling.
I live in Cypress & we have not had one drop of rain from any of these storms. Seems they go right around the Cypress area!
3” here near Ellington. The bulk of it in maybe 90 minutes. Fortunately,I just got home when it hit.
I think I’m over 5.5 inches for the month!
You and Matt can turn off the rain on this side of town for a few days, OK?