Summary: The weather looks drama-free over the next week or so. After another chance for 80 degrees today, a cool front takes the edge off tomorrow and this weekend. Another warm up ensues next week, followed by another front after midweek. Neither front seems likely to pack much punch right now.
Eric and I are here to keep you informed about the weather in Houston. It’s a duty we enjoy and take seriously. In times of quiet weather, we never complain. We’ve seen what bad weather is capable of here, so when the weather is quiet, we relish the fact that we can tell you so.

I’m not going to complain because I’m struggling to fill a post with forecast information because it’s all some variation of the same thing, with the temperatures tweaked a bit here and there. I most certainly got my degree in meteorology to forecast lengthy stretches of lovely spring weather in February. Absolutely. No complaints here.
No, but in all seriousness the weather looks pretty calm with no real concerns through next week. Seriously, good for us!
Today and Friday
Look for clouds and sun today. We have avoided the 80 degree mark so far this week, so will we do it today? We’ll see. That will be the only real drama today. Maybe someone can squeeze out a raindrop or two ahead of tonight’s front. For once, it seems the Rodeo Cook-Off will not be cold or drizzly or extra windy or gross. Temps should drop from the mid-70s or so into the mid-60s through the event this evening.
That front moves through between about 7 PM and Midnight. Temperatures will steadily drop everywhere through the 70s and 60s and into the 50s overnight.
Friday dawns sunny with lower humidity and highs in the 70s. No issues at all for any of your plans, be they Rodeo, BBQ, work, or frolicking down the streets professing your joy for this weather.

SUN-sational! Highs will be in the 70s, with lows in the 50s and 40s across the region on both days. Just a delightful pair of days.
Next week
The main drama next week will probably be a day or two of gusty onshore winds. Nothing serious, but certainly something you’ll notice. We should see highs near 80 degrees Monday through Wednesday, with morning lows in the 60s. It will feel very, very spring-like. Our next front hits on Thursday with at least a slight chance of rain, but honestly, the odds of meaningful rain look pretty low right now.
After one of our wettest starts to a year, things have really slowed down. We’re probably getting to the point where we could use a little more rain. But for now at least, that’s not on the horizon.

Calm is good ☺️
I really appreciate the great job you guys do keeping my prepared for the upcoming weather.
I agree, calm is good. I also love this So-Cal weather (although my allergies are hating me right now). Thanks!
Cat is right – calm is good. Thanks for all you do. Look forward to your posts
Do you think we’ve seen the last chance of frost? I’m itching to get plants in the ground. lol
I’ve already planted oleanders, gardenias, azaleas, begonias and kalanchoes. The summer around here of late has come earl;y, hot and dry, so getting the plants in now gives them some kind of head start.
When do you expect that the yellow pollen will be back in Houston again? Thanks!
You don’t like surprises?
One of my trees is dripping with pollen right now. If you haven’t seen any yet, you will soon!
My allergies have certainly noticed! LOL
I saw it on top of my car this morning. The Pollening is here….
Nooo, please. Not yet. The acorns just stopped falling.
A few thoughts
Highs around 70 and lows in the mid to upper 40s are my Goldilocks weather so this forecast is amazing
I did some weedeating this morning and holy geez, the mosquitoes are out in force! Like 5 or 6 on you at any given moment. With the drought the last few years, I had almost forgotten how bad they can be around here.
Thanks again for all y’all do!
I was hoping we would have another snap of really cold weather before we jumped head first into the spring warming period. Guess I will just have to enjoy the pretty weather instead.
I don’t mind boring, unchanging forecasts when they’re for this lovely weather. It’s when they’re “upper 90s, humid, 20% chance of afternoon showers” ad nauseum that boring is a problem.
You guys are the best. Such a pleasure to read non-hysterical weather reports.
Well, that settles it. I’m officially moving lol. I just can’t do 80+ in Feb anymore.