Delta’s path toward Louisiana coming into focus

2:35pm CT Wednesday update: Good afternoon, and it’s good to be back. Thanks to Eric for dealing with an absentee site partner for the last couple weeks and getting us from Beta to Delta. I sincerely hope this is the last storm we have to write about for the Gulf this year.

Hurricane Delta is emerging into the Gulf from the Yucatan this afternoon.

Hurricane Delta is back over open water after emerging off the Yucatan this afternoon. (

After being one of the quickest intensifying storms on record, Delta has taken a beating over the last 18-24 hours and, while it’s holding its own, maximum sustained winds of 100 mph may be a bit generous here. Either way, Delta is now back over warm water with relatively low wind shear, so odds favor it beginning to reintensify tonight.

The track forecast has continued to nudge a bit farther west, however that trend appears to be stable or ending now, and I think we’re close to the maximum for how far west Delta will track.

While Delta’s forecast track has nudged west a bit more today, that trend will likely stop or slow going forward, as almost all model guidance now has a landfall between Cameron and the west edge of Vermilion Bay in Louisiana. (NOAA)

The last big holdout, the European model, which had been advertising landfall near the Texas/Louisiana border has shifted east by a good 25 miles or more today, and virtually all reliable model guidance now has Delta’s landfall occurring between Cameron, LA and the western edge of Vermilion Bay, or very close to/slightly east of where Laura made landfall. A word of advice: Don’t focus too closely on every wobble and maneuver Delta makes over the next 24-48 hours. While there is still a small degree of uncertainty on the exact track of Delta, the odds that there would be a significant enough shift to detrimentally impact the Houston area is very, very, very small. We all brace ourselves for The Turn™ during these events, and it will happen.

As far as intensity goes, modeling has been slowly easing up on the excitement since last night. Some of that is likely due to what happened to Delta on approach into the Yucatan and land interaction. But as of this afternoon, virtually all intensity forecasts are for this to not get above a category 3 storm in the Gulf before it weakens on approach to the coast. Wind shear is going to likely increase significantly, and the storm will encounter cooler water as well beginning tomorrow night or Friday morning.

That said, the biggest change with Delta over the next couple days will likely be the expansion of its wind field. Larger storms usually have lower intensity ceilings, but they compensate for that by spreading tropical storm or hurricane force winds out over a larger area. You can see this wind field expansion on the HWRF model by looking at 10 meter winds (winds experienced at ground level will be somewhat lower than shown here). The map at left is this evening’s forecast, while the map at right is for Friday afternoon. Both maps are at the same spatial scale, and you can see how the tropical storm force wind field (green, yellow, red) basically doubles in size as Delta comes north.

The HWRF (and other models) show an impressive expansion of Delta’s wind field as it comes north across the Gulf, so even though Delta may weaken just before landfall, it will be capable of producing strong winds and large surge over a broad area. (Tropical Tidbits)

Hurricane force winds are in purple here also. So despite Delta perhaps being weaker, it will likely have impacts spread over a large swath of Louisiana and perhaps eastern Texas, with a significant surge once again possible along and east of where the center goes.

Speaking of surge, the first National Hurricane Center surge outlook was posted today, showing the potential for as much as 11 feet of surge above ground level if Delta comes ashore at high tide on Friday.

Surge values of 11 feet are possible along and east of the center if Delta comes ashore at high tide. (NOAA)

These surge values are rough, though certainly not quite as catastrophic as those seen in Hurricane Laura. But 11 feet of water is a bad day, and unfortunately, the areas around Vermilion Bay that were hammered during Laura are going to get another significant event with Delta.

Locally in the Galveston Bay area, we expect surge impacts to be more like Laura than Beta, with minor overwash possible near Bolivar and perhaps down Bluewater Highway south of Galveston into Brazoria County. Surge should not be much worse than 1 to 3 feet above normally dry ground. Storm Surge Watches have not been posted in our area, but they are hoisted east of High Island. Tropical Storm Watches have been posted from San Luis Pass to High Island.

Will we see tropical storm force winds in the Houston or Galveston areas? My hunch right now is that we won’t see this in Houston. Galveston always has a chance to briefly get to tropical storm force gusts or even sustained winds at times. But this would be mostly a Friday issue. At this point we don’t expect significant problems from wind in the Houston or Galveston areas.

For folks in southwest Louisiana and around the Beaumont/Port Arthur areas, the story is a little less clear. Assuming the wind field does expand as expected, we would likely see tropical storm force gusts and perhaps a period of sustained tropical storm force winds (35-55 mph) in the Beaumont or Port Arthur areas. In Lake Charles, which is still far from recovered from Laura, we expect about an 80 percent chance of sustained tropical storm force winds (greater than or equal to 39 mph) and about a 30 percent chance of sustained hurricane force winds (greater than or equal to 74 mph). This will not be another Laura in Lake Charles by any means whatsoever, however given that many, many structures in the city have not yet been repaired, this does have the potential to produce some considerable damage, particularly the farther west it comes ashore.

As far as rainfall goes, we don’t expect to see much more than perhaps a few outer bands in the Houston and Galveston areas. Rain totals will be manageable and no flooding is expected in our area.

Rain totals should be minimal in Houston and up to 6 or 8 inches in interior Louisiana. (NOAA outlook via Pivotal Weather)

In Louisiana, up to about 6 to 8 inches will be possible along and east of where the center comes ashore, which could cause minor to moderate flooding issues but really isn’t all that bad as far as these storms go. Delta will be a quick mover and out of there by Saturday morning.

Unless something dramatic changes this evening, our next update will be our regularly scheduled update on Thursday morning.

Beta on track for a Texas landfall Monday as a tropical storm

8:50 pm CT Sunday: Good evening folks. Matt started this post earlier, but Eric is stepping in to finish it due to a family matter. Read to the end to find out what took Matt away—and you’ll understand the lengths to which we’ll go to make sure we’ve got Houston covered in times of severe weather!

It’s been interesting to watch the evolution of Tropical Storm Beta today. The storm looked terrible this morning, had a renaissance this afternoon, and has now reverted back to mostly unimpressive, but standard tropical storm fare. You can see how it has progressed on satellite through the day, from morning thunderstorms with an exposed center to afternoon storms under a consolidated looking center to a broad, weaker looking storm this evening.

Beta’s evolution today has led to it looking fairly different at times but packing mostly the same punch as it had when the day began. Click to enlarge. (College of DuPage)

All in all Beta is who we thought it was: A moderate tropical storm fighting shear and dry air but occasionally feeling the hospitality of a warm Gulf of Mexico. We expect only slight changes, if any, in intensity over the next day or so as it nears the Texas coast and likely comes ashore on Monday.

Beta’s forecast track and intensity is very little changed this evening versus where it was 12 to 18 hours ago. The storm picked up a little forward speed today and is currently about 150 miles east-southeast of Port O’Connor and the entrance to Matagorda Bay. Beta will move generally west or west-northwest through the night and into tomorrow, eventually making landfall by around Noon tomorrow, give or take. After this the storm will eventually turn to the northeast, perhaps passing near Houston over land, or offshore. During this time it should gradually become more disorganized. It should be gone by Wednesday or Thursday. Good riddance!


In terms of precipitation, we’re still in the same place we’ve been for awhile with our Flood Scale. We have a Stage 2 flood alert for coastal areas south of Interstate 10, and a Stage 1 event for areas north of Interstate 10. Neither the global models or the regional models that can better model convective storms are showing really aggressive rainfall totals that would lead to significant widespread flooding this week.

Regional convective model forecast for rainfall through Tuesday morning. (NOAA)

Beta’s heaviest rains should come between Monday morning and Wednesday morning, and some of our best regional models suggest a reasonably healthy band of showers could move into Houston around sunrise tomorrow. (We’ll see). We generally expect 2 to 8 inches of total additional rainfall across the region, with higher isolated amounts, and our greatest concern is pockets that may see the majority of that rain in a couple of hours. This should generally cause street flooding, but we’ll be watching closely for trouble spots.

Wind speeds

We’ve been tracking winds this evening, and there have been some gusts near tropical storm-force along Galveston Island. We think winds will probably pick up a little bit more during the overnight hours before beginning to back off Monday morning. Most of the Houston area—and certainly locations north of Interstate 10—are unlikely to see prolonged tropical storm-force wind gusts from Beta. Here’s a look at the European model’s forecast swath of maximum wind gusts from the storm.

European model for maximum wind gusts in Houston this week. (Weather Bell)

Sustained winds will be lower. This should not be enough to cause significant electricity problems for inland areas, although we may see some power outages right along the coast.

Coastal surge

The most dramatic effect our region has seen from Beta has been rising waters along the coast due to the storm’s easterly winds and surge. We expect the highest levels to occur with high tides this evening along the coast, and again on Monday morning. Very high water levels will persist into Tuesday before really beginning to ramp down on Wednesday. We have already had reports of many low-lying roads on Bolivar Peninsula and the West End of Galveston Island becoming impassable.

Coastal flooding outlook for Galveston. (National Weather Service)


Our next update will come no later than 7:30am CT Monday.

Matt’s end note: I’m about to become a father for the second time, and nature called upon us this evening. I’ll be taking a break from the site for a little while for obvious reasons, but will pass along the good news when possible! Stay safe!

Beta testing the forecast this afternoon, but overall it remains on track

2:30 pm CT Sunday: Our post this morning was sour on Beta. Maybe we trash talked it too much. I don’t know. What I do know is that it looks much healthier than I expected 5 to 6 hours ago, and it’s conceivable that Beta is at least making an attempt to form into a hurricane — temporarily. We still feel that despite the changes in the near-term, the overall forecast ideas we presented earlier today still hold. The area most likely to perhaps see some forecast changes because of what Beta is doing right now would be the Matagorda to Freeport area, which could see some slightly stronger winds or slightly higher surge if Beta does indeed strengthen a bit further.

Beta intensifying?

According to the 1 PM National Hurricane Center advisory, Beta still had 60 mph maximum sustained winds, mainly north and east of the center. The reconnaissance aircraft that sampled Beta this morning found ample support for these winds. But over the last 3 hours or so, Beta has clearly begun a burst of intensification.

Beta has clearly improved its structure this afternoon and is likely intensifying a bit. (College of DuPage)

Beta actually looks like a reasonably competent tropical cyclone now. In fact, if you look at radar, you can see a nascent eye-like feature developing. That doesn’t make it a hurricane, but it does mean that it has organized itself, perhaps feeling a brief pause in shear or dry air and the very warm Gulf water it sits over.

Beta has presented an eye-like feature on radar this afternoon. That doesn’t make it a hurricane, but it does indicate strengthening. (GRLevel3)

My guess is that Beta is a strong tropical storm at the moment. But as it approaches the coast, a wall of dry air awaits its arrival. It will be tough to keep that dry air out of the circulation. And the expectation will remain that Beta begins to weaken as it approaches land. That has been the hypothesis since day one, and that still holds true today. The only way that changes is if Beta can insulate its inner core enough from the drier air that is waiting. That’s always a tough call, so we want to continue watching it, but the expectation is that dry air will begin to take a toll on this core later today or sometime tonight.

We discussed our wind forecast expectations in the morning update, and those are unchanged at this time.

Sunday rain

For much of the Houston area, rain has been falling this afternoon, heavy at times. Totals have generally been one inch or less.

Beta’s outer bands are flinging rain, heavy at times, across the area. Most places will end up with less than an inch when this rain tapers off later. (

You can see the outer bands of Beta with some heavier rain indicated in yellow on the loop above. This initial wave of rain should taper off a bit later today, but we will likely continue to see gusty showers or even some thunderstorms at times into tonight.

Total rainfall forecast

NOAA has updated their rainfall forecast for the event total, and they have indeed brought values down a little bit further. It looks like they shaved off about 1 inch in Houston to as much as 3 or 4 inches Galveston. Granted, some rain has already fallen, but not as much as has been removed. So, some good news there.

A view of the updated NOAA forecast rainfall from southeast Texas across Louisiana through Thursday evening. (Weather Bell)

As we’ve been stating, we don’t want folks to just assume this is a non-event; you should remain vigilant in the days ahead. There will be periods of heavy rainfall. But as far as major, widespread flooding, we do not see that scenario as being likely at this time. Still, it may be good to take sensible precautions if you live in a typically flood prone area, particularly with respect to street flooding, just to be safe. In tonight’s update, we’ll offer some thoughts on how Monday’s rainfall may play out.

Marine impacts

We covered this in depth earlier this morning as well. At Galveston, at the railroad bridge near Tiki Island, we saw about 4 foot water levels this morning. Expect that to be about a foot or so higher tonight and end up in the 5 to 6 foot range.

Tides will be rising again soon in Galveston, which should yield another round of widespread minor to moderate coastal flooding. (NOAA)

This will cause widespread moderate coastal flooding along the entire coast and bayfronts as well. Expect that to continue much of tonight and Monday morning, with only a slight drop in tides Monday afternoon, followed by a similar peak in tide levels tomorrow night before things subside. This will be aggravated by 8 to 12 foot seas and higher waves offshore.

That’s all for now. Our next update will be posted no later than 9 pm CT on Sunday evening.

Beta drifting toward the Texas coast, mostly status quo this morning

9 am CT Sunday: Good morning. The good news, right off the top, is that we’re basically in the same place with Tropical Storm Beta as we were 12 hours ago. Beta is truly struggling right now, dealing with things from dry air to wind shear, all of which make Beta a very lopsided storm. It’s still capable of causing problems, particularly with marine impacts and rainfall at a localized level, but we don’t see the forecast looking any worse today. And in some aspects, it looks better. Let’s swing through things.

Beta now

We will start by looking at the water vapor satellite loop over Texas and the Gulf this morning. The “drier” colors (dark red, brown, orange) that you see over Texas indicate voluminous amounts of dry air over the area. Go step outside this morning. It’s the driest air we’ve had this early in the day since June 11th in Houston. You can see it on satellite, but more importantly, you can feel it outside.

Using the water vapor channel on satellite can show us copious amounts of dry air over Texas that will work to limit Beta’s intensity. (

That will not help Beta at all. In fact, as Beta moves toward the coast, it’s arguably going to encounter even more of this dry air.

Additionally, Beta is sitting under about 15 to 20 knots of southwesterly wind shear. If you look closely at the map below, you’ll see Beta’s forecast track and the shear values in green, yellow, and red.

The moderate wind shear over Beta has not relented, and in fact, it may get stronger as Beta approaches the Texas coast. (University of Wisconsin CIMSS)

As Beta approaches the Texas coast, Beta’s wind shear situation will not get any more favorable, and in fact, it may get worse, with 20 to 30 knots of wind shear over Texas.

So, all this is to say that Beta is unlikely to get any stronger up to landfall. There is probably even some risk it may weaken a bit.

Beta currently has maximum sustained winds of 60 mph, but those are heavily displaced to the north and east of the center. That said, the wind field radius is 195 miles from the center. For a weak tropical storm, that’s a very large wind field. And this is why marine impacts are such a significant issue. More on that in a second.

Beta track & wind forecast

So we talked intensity above. Expect maximum sustained winds to hold at 60 mph or lower as it slides west toward the Texas coast today and tomorrow. Beta’s center will likely stall near or just inland from where it makes landfall on Monday night and Tuesday before resuming movement, this time off to the northeast on Tuesday night and Wednesday. Beta should be through with us by Wednesday night or Thursday.

Beta will track toward the coast tonight and tomorrow, stalling for a time into Tuesday before exiting Wednesday and Wednesday night. (NOAA)

Beta’s actual winds here in the Houston & Galveston areas will vary. North of I-10, winds will probably never exceed 30 to 35 mph and mostly in gusts. There should be few issues with wind there. South of I-10, winds could gust to 45 mph or so, and there’s at least a chance a brief period of sustained tropical storm force winds (39 mph or higher) is achieved in southernmost areas. Still, problems are expected to be minimal and power outages would probably be isolated in this situation. At the coast and along the bayfronts from Matagorda through Galveston and toward Cameron, LA, wind gusts of 35 to 50 mph will be possible at times as Beta moves in tomorrow. More sporadic power outages and perhaps some minor tree damage could occur in those areas. Overall, wind is not expected to be a serious issue for the vast majority of the region.

Beta marine impacts

The most significant problems from Beta will probably be caused by the marine impacts and the combination of heavy rain and high tides. Highway 87 and Blue Water Highway west of San Luis Pass experienced overwash overnight, and with tides expected to be about 1 to 1.5 feet higher tonight into Monday morning, the coastal flooding situation in those areas will only get worse. We will see tide levels at Galveston around 5 feet or a bit higher.

The tide forecast at Galveston is expected to peak late today and early Monday around 5 feet, and then it should hold in the 4 to 5 foot range (or a smidge higher) into Tuesday. (NOAA)

Coupled with 8 to 12 foot seas, we will see tides only drop slightly during low tide, so this will be a problem for several days with continued minor to moderate tidal flooding along the coast and bays. We should begin to see improvement in these areas by Tuesday afternoon or evening.

Beta rainfall forecast

We conclude with rain, the most challenging part of the forecast. Eric and I are going to maintain our flood scale posture of Stage 2 south of I-10 and Stage 1 north of I-10.

Weather models are generally poor at forecasting rain amounts with specificity and exact location, but the one trend that has been undeniable since yesterday has been to take heavier rain on the Texas coast and offshore and shift it more to Louisiana. The current rainfall expectations from NOAA still show high amounts on the coast.

NOAA’s forecast of total rainfall has dropped considerably since yesterday but remains high enough to warrant Flash Flood Watches. (NOAA)

These amounts are down pretty substantially from yesterday, however, now with 10 to 15 inches expected along the coast and 4 to 10 inches of rain in the Houston metro over the next five days. If these change further later today, I believe it will be to shift some of the higher totals more into Louisiana.

That said, this remains a very difficult and challenging rainfall forecast. For today, expect rain bands to begin to pivot into our area. Rain is already approaching Bolivar and Winnie and expect that to continue coming west today.

The outer bands of Beta’s core will begin to approach the coast this morning and afternoon. (College of DuPage)

As we go into tonight, look for continued squally weather with periods of heavy rain and thunderstorms at times, especially south of I-10. We don’t feel that this will be a continuous rain event for the area, but it will come in bursts at times. This is generally good for bayous and creeks to be able to handle the rainfall without a ton of serious trouble. Where this could get a little more bothersome is if the core produces some heavy rain as it moves ashore tomorrow or Tuesday, especially south and west of Houston. That would be the most likely time we see rainfall rates that could cause some issues. But as of now we feel that for the most part the area can handle what is being thrown at it this week. Beyond Monday and Tuesday, there’s still some uncertainty, but pockets of rain are likely and in small areas (size-wise, think over like a couple communities or so) we could see heavier downpours and some more troublesome flash flooding. We’ll be watching all this closely and update you through today and tomorrow and beyond on any changes in potential or any ways we can get more specific about where heavier rain will fall.

In the meantime, we will have our next post no later the 2:30 pm CT Sunday afternoon.