Since Wednesday’s cold front, Houston has had 50 consecutive hours of dewpoints below 60°, which continue as of 7 AM Friday. Recall, dewpoint is a much better gauge of “comfort” in summer than relative humidity, and for Houston anything below 65° generally feels really nice this time of year. Anything in the 50s is very comfortable. To put in context how rare an event this is in Houston in summer. We have only done 40 consecutive hours of dewpoints in the 50s in June, July, or August two other times since Bush Airport was established as the official reporting station for Houston in 1969:
- June 8-9, 1996 (43 consecutive hours)
- June 24-28, 1974 (110 (!) consecutive hours)
It appears that this one will place firmly 2nd on the list. This air mass would be a first ballot inductee to the Hall of Fame of Comfort for Houston summers. And it continues.
We do have a couple things to monitor. This dry weather is going to have an impact on soil moisture in much of Texas. We’ll discuss that more in-depth next week. In addition to that, this dry, offshore breeze is certainly aggravating for allergy sufferers (raises hand). But other than that, we have little to talk about.
So in lieu of much text today, our forecast will be shared primarily in gif form.
Today & weekend
It will be tough to let go of the current weather pattern. Thankfully, this weekend won’t be too bad!

Expect highs in the 90s and lows in the 60s or low 70s this weekend, with continued low humidity for June. Sunshine and nil rain chances.

Next week
Onshore winds resume Monday, and that means our friendly neighborhood Houston humidity will be on the rise.

But it won’t be that bad of a week.

Alright, yeah, it will end up being a pretty hot week. Look for mid-90s at least, with lows in the 70s.

The next chance of any meaningful rain at all, outside of a localized downpour? Maybe next weekend?

We’ll check back in with you on Monday with more. Enjoy the weekend!