Houston this week: Hot days, sunny skies, sweaty skin.

Houston has had consecutive days of 97-degree temperatures, and I don’t foresee this heat wave breaking soon. However some relief should eventually arrive in about 10 days time.

Today through Friday

Easy forecast. With high pressure anchored in place highs will be in the mid- to upper-90s, and a heat advisory in effect for today may be extended for much of this week. Lows will be around 80 degrees. Skies mostly sunny. Skin mostly sweaty.

European model temperature anomaly map for now through Friday. Most of Texas is 2 to 5 degrees (Celsius) warmer than normal. (Weather Bell)
European model temperature anomaly map for now through Friday. Most of Texas is 2 to 5 degrees (Celsius) warmer than normal. (Weather Bell)

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Hot, hot, hot—and we’re not talking about fireworks here

We’re in the middle of summer and anyone stepping outside knows it. The official high temperature in Houston reached 96 degrees on Saturday, and we’re in for more of the same hot weather for quite some time.

Saturday through Friday

Yes, you read that right. The forecast for now through next work week is more or less the same as a result of lying under the influence of high pressure. Temperatures will climb into the mid-90s (a bit lower for the coast) and lows will only fall to around 80 degrees (a bit warmer along the coast).Skies will be mostly sunny with near zero rain chances. Some fairly strong winds will blow out of the south for the next few days, coming in from the Gulf.

Houston may see some gusty winds the next few days as air flows along pressure lines at the surface. (Weather Bell)
The Texas coast may see some gusty winds the next few days as air flows along pressure lines at the surface. (Weather Bell)

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July’s site sponsor: HHPage Marketing

A new month means a new sponsor for Space City Weather, and I’m pleased to announce that for July HHPage Marketing will support the site. You can find out more information about the company, an internet marketing agency, here.


Thanks to their generous support we can provide all of our weather content for free, and without advertisement, for the entire month of July.

The advantage of the sponsorship model is that we are under no pressure to generate web traffic for the sake of web traffic—so there’s no hype, no click bait and no nonsense. All we’ll do is continue to make the best possible forecasts we can make. So if you appreciate that, and need help promoting your business online, please check them out!

Holiday weekend heat for Houston

Happy July! One month of summer is in the books, and as the calendar turns over, the heat will begin to crank up. Yesterday didn’t feel especially awful around Houston, as humidity was fairly low for this time of year. Dewpoints in the low 70s are tolerable. At least you don’t feel like you’re walking into a wall when you step outside. As we go through the holiday weekend, that will probably change.


I expect similar weather today and tomorrow to what we saw on Thursday. Rain chances look low both days, with a morning shower or storm possible near the coast and a couple hit or miss afternoon downpours possible inland. Rain chances never really go beyond 10% or so.

The biggest change will be overnight lows and humidity. While low temps have been generally in the low to mid 70s this week, we’ll see them transition to the mid or upper 70s by Saturday night/Sunday AM. With that, humidity will also increase. Dewpoints in the low 70s will transition to the mid 70s over the weekend, making the low to mid 90s each afternoon feel progressively more unpleasant.

Forecast high temperatures today look near typical for July: Hot. (Weather Bell)
Forecast high temperatures today look near typical for July: Hot. (Weather Bell)

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